🌙dont leave

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A/n: not me working on 5 different stories at the same time 💅

I'm working on a short chansung one that I will post all at once as soon as I have the time to finish it. 🙏🏻


"Jisung you had me worried sick, are you alright?" Minho got off his horse and walked near the water, but jisung backed away.

"I'm fine..." he retorted and Hyunjin looked over at Felix with soft and wet eyes. He walked out of the water and went to see him.

"How are you feeling? You've got tears in your eyes..." the tallest said softly and Felix sniffed his nose a couple of times.

"Yeah its...nothing...but I want to speak with you. About the choices you gave me"

"Tell me" they sat on a rock and Felix was trying hard not to look at his wet chest fresh out of he water.

"I told Minho about you...you're the one I want but, I have to tell you that I did have something for him once...and I can't just ignore those feelings...it's going to take time. I don't want to burden you with them, so I understand if you do not want me, but know that I...love you Hyunjin, so much. It's just really hard for me"

Hyunjin nodded and smiled at him, playing with his black hair.

"Of course I still want you... and I love you too angel...we'll get through this" they hugged for a long while, Felix snuggled into his chest and crying softly even if he kept saying he wasn't.

Minho had taken his shirt off and joined Jisung in the water, touching his forehead to see if he was sick.

"I saw you falling...I was so worried" Minho kept getting closer and Jisung simply let him touch his skin softly, checking his every inch to see if he was getting better.


"Yes?" He said quickly and Jisung's head fell on his shoulder.

"You've been with multiple people in bed before...haven't you?" He looked at Felix for a moment before looking back at Minho.

"Yes, in the past"

"And what makes it different from when I let you bed with me...? Am I like another one of them?"

"No, no of course not. I would never...use you" it made him sick to even think about it. "Why the sudden question?"

"Felix...said you only wanted my body and it made me feel really sick." Jisung admitted and the older sighed.

"He hasn't been feeling very good...but it doesn't excuse that he lied...I would never"

"Alright..." he mumbled and touched Minho's chest. "You two were dancing really close..." Jisung added.

"Yes, I could say the same about you and Hyunjin" mingo smiled. "You were trying to make me jealous?"

"Did it work?" Jisung asked, eyebrows raised.

"A little bit..." Minho said and Jisung frowned. "Alright...it did"

Jisung smiled and kissed him on his cheek, his hands going delicately up on his chest.

Soon they were all in the water and Jisung and Felix were still glaring hard towards each other.

"I didn't know snakes could swim..." jisung said under his breath and Felix scoffed.

"And I didn't know they still made egos that big, but here you are standing in front of me" felix glared.

"Enough. Both of you." Minho said and they looked at him in the clean moonlight above them. "No more fighting or I'm locking both of you in a room together until you apologize."

"The only thing that will come out of that room is me and a corpse"

"No, it's me with a new pair of snake skin books"

"Jisung. Felix." Minho snapped and they both moved in the water by the roughness in his voice. It was usually so calm but it seemed quite agitated now. "No more. And that's an order from the futur king."

"Using the king card on me?" Jisung raised a brow and Minho wrapped his hands around his waist.

"Yes, now please apologize"

"No" he groaned, but Minho leaned in.

"Apologize or I'm never touching you like in the library" he whispered and jisung widened his eyes.

"I'm sorry Felix." He said really quickly and Minho held his laughter.

"I'm not apologizing." Felix said to Hyunjin and the taller one kissed his cheek and leaned in, whispering something in your ear.

"I-I'm sorry too..." he said quickly, red face and averting gaze. Minho and Hyunjin smiled at each other and nodded.

"Good now that that's over" Minho picked up Jisung and threw him in the water, the tallest doing the same with Felix.

"You're dead!" Jisung smiled and slashed water around.


After their water fight, they all calmed down and the two lovers stayed in the water, close.

"I can't believe you're going to get married soon...I don't want you to." He said lowly and Minho held him.

"I don't want to either..." he admitted and turned around to see Felix and Hyunjin cuddled up. "I'm still offering to run away if you'd want to...anytime we pack our things and we're out"

"And leave behind all of this power? This change we can make in this horrible world?"

"I cannot fix everything Jisung..."

"But you can help those in need by staying...I'm advising you to stay, if you leave, you're practically renouncing to your title...people will be furious and track us down..."

"What if I don't leave..." Minho pauses for a second, staring at Jisung. The older seemed to have figured something out.

"Well that is the plan-"

"No. I meant, what if I never really intentionally leave the city to everyone's eyes..."

"I don't understand where you're going with with..." Jisung tilted his head.

"Will you follow me? Out of here? In the country side where we can live peacefully, completely away from our responsibilities?"

"You know I will Minho but...what are you planning to make this work?"

"It's simple....

I'm going to fake my death"

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