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A/n: my newww book, and well, I decided to do something different and decide for Shoto to have long hair, yes, long hair.

Shoto is also more cold, barely talks and again tired, and well, that's it really🚶‍♀️.

























Saturday, 5,27pm.

"SHOU" Elira said slamming the door open.

Shoto quickly jumped up from his desk and rubbed his eyes.

"This is the- 12th time today, are you getting enough sleep?" Elira asked walking up to Shoto and feeling his forehead.

"Well actually, you fall asleep more then 15 times a day, so I cant say this isnt normal" Elira sighed.

"Mm..?" Shoto yawned.

"You're suppose to go on patrol with Selen, remember?" Elira said.

"Oh" Shoto sighed before standing up.

Shoto's hair was still left down from when he took his hair out from his shower this morning.

"Did you want me to do your hair?" Elira asked pulling out a hair tie.

Shoto nodded and turned around for Elira to do his hair. She walked up behind him and started braiding his hair and made sure to do it tight so it wouldn't fall out or anything.

"Alright, you can go now" Elira said patting his shoulder.

Shoto nodded before waving bye to her and walked out the room and went to find Selen, he passed by Sykkuno and Ike and he waved to them giving them a soft smile.

He found Selen waiting outside for him leaning against the wall and she was just playing with her taser.

"Oh, hey Shoto!" Selen said standing up properly.

Shoto waved before yawning.

"Did you want to drive?" Selen asked holding up the keys.

Shoto shook his head.

"As expected" Selen chuckled before putting the keys back in her pockets.

"I'll take my motorcycle instead" Shoto said grabbing his helmet.

"Oh, you sure?" Selen said.

Shoto nodded.

"Well then I'll go and steal Rosemi's I'll be right back" Selen said running back into the station.

Selen came back with Rosemi's keys and helmet not long after and they were all set to go, they were patrolling around the bank since well, there had been lots of people trying to rob it.

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