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A/n: okay so I've decided for Alban to be added into the harem since Shoto and him are comfortable being shipped 👍.

I just had to make sure 😭.
























Currently, Shoto and Elira were awkwardly sitting on a table and opposite was Kyo.

"What exactly do we do..?" Elira whispered to Shoto.

Shoto shrugged and passed her the piece of paper. Elira looked down at the paper and realized what it was, shes watched Enna and Ike interrogate people, shouldn't be that hard right?.

Well, on the other side of the huge window, Selen was wheezing on the floor while Ike was watching in disappointment.

"U-uh..." Elira mumbled.

Shoto just awkwardly stared at her. They had to be the 2 worst people at starting conversations first.

"Um..." Elira said scratching the back of her head.

"Yous are kinda sloppy for cops y'know..?" Kyo said.

"We dont do these types of things okay?!" Elira huffed.

"Then what do yous do?" Kyo asked.

"Sleep" Shoto said yawning.

"Yeah that's just you" Elira chuckled ruffling his hair.

"Any~ways~ wheres the rest of your team?" Elira asked putting the papers down.

"Theres nobody else?" Kyo said tilting his head.

"Mhm~ mhm~ then wheres your brother? It says here...relatives, 'Aster'?" Elira said looking back up at Kyo.

Kyo didnt seem all that surprised that they had that information but he just shrugged.

"Even if I did know, I'd never tell yous" Kyo said.

"Is that so..." Elira hummed.

"Welp, no information from you, useless" Elira sighed standing up.

"Who'd you want next Shou?" Elira asked cuffing Kyo.

Shoto looked down at the papers.

"Mysta" Shoto mumbled.

Elira nodded and took Kyo back into his cell with Alban, she looked around and saw Uki's and Mysta's cell, she walked over and unlocked the cell.

Uki went and tried kicking her but she just tasered his leg and walked away to Mysta and crouched down before cuffing him and took him into the interrogation room.

"I'm not telling yous anything" Mysta mumbled.

"Oh come on! Why is this so difficultttt~!" Elira groaned.

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