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A/n: I just finished choking on a candy ☠☠.




























"Elira?" Ike asked opening then door.

"Hm? What's up Ike?" Elira asked swinging her chair around.

"I need your help for something" Ike said holding up 3 pieces of papers.

"Alright~! Be right there!" Elira nodded clicking off her tab and stood up.

Ike nodded and Elira walked over to him and she locked the door behind them.

"Okay now go Shu" Mysta said.

Shu turned his watch on and went and called someone, they were already on their way.

"Theyll be here soon" Shu said turning his watch off and hiding it again.

"How're they suppose to even get in?" Vox asked.

"I dont know, it just better be a smart way" Shu shrugged.

Shoto walked in and Mysta froze remembering what Shoto said to him.

'That's right...he has good hearing..' Mysta gulped.

"You okay?" Alban asked to Mysta.

Mysta woke back up to reality and quickly nodded.

"Hey Mr cop" Uki hummed.

Shoto turned back at him and stopped walking.

"Are we basically arrested?" Uki asked tilting his head.

"Mhm?" Shoto nodded.

Uki sighed and leaned on the bars.

"I'm hungry, can we have some food please?" Alban asked.

Shoto sighed and took out his phone and texted Finana.

"Food will be here soon." Shoto mumbled sitting down at Elira's desk.

Alban clicked his tongue quietly and layed back down. Shoto then started to help on Elira's case, he knew Elira was currently out searching for something for Ike so, he had quite the time to do this.

But maybe 30 minutes later Shoto fell asleep.

"He seriously fell asleep?" Shu mumbled.

"I guess that just makes it easier on our end" Kyo shrugged.

Around 6 minutes later the door opened.

"Aster!" Kyo exclaimed.

"Shh" Aster said.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now