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A/n: if yous can't tell, I'm trying to finish this book before I carry on with any other one ☠️.






"Whos lying on me."

"Get off my hair!"

"What the ..."



They both briefly stared at each other for awhile trying to see if they were daydreaming. Selen then looked down to her stomach area to notice a wound.

"Eh? What happened?" Selen asked.

"Wait, where are we?" She asked another question staring around it was a plain white room that had 2 beds and had a door, which was obviously locked securely, no windows though.

"Actually...I wouldn't know either." Pomu mumbled.

"Where's Enna? And Reimu?" Selen asked.

Pomu awkwardly shrugged, as if she only just woke up herself, which if that was true, it'd be rather weird since theyve been missing for awhile.

"..what do you think today is?" Selen asked tilting her head.

"Uh... Thursday?" Pomu said tilting her head trying to rack her brain to remember.

Selen sighed softly.

"It's Tuesday." Selen said.



"So..I've been asleep for...what...5-6 days or something?" Pomu asked tilting her head.

"Maybe even longer." Selen said.

Pomu was about to stand up before wincing in pain and held her waist and kneeling back down.

"Huh? Wait, about that wound...how'd you get it?" Selen asked.

"I..don't remember." Pomu mumbled.

Selen gently took Pomu's hand off her waist and lifted her shirt up slightly to see what kind of wound it was.

"An...axe wound?" Selen tilted her head slightly.

"What-?!" Pomu said taken back before regretting it as she winced in pain again.

Selen pulled back and ripped her sleeve off her jersey and began wrapping it around Pomu's waist to stop it from turning into a flowing waterfall of blood.

"Can you stand properly?" Selen asked standing up and offering her hand for support.

"Yeah...I'll manage." She nodded with a smile and took her hand standing up slowly.

They then both stopped what they were doing and turned to the door that was being unlocked.







"I'm a little confused though..."

"Of what?" Elira responded.

"Why exactly would they get kidnapped?" Bao said.

"Maybe they pissed off the wrong people, because i would've done the same."

She paused for a moment as Rosemi stared at her.

"But uh, I'm a cop, so yeah." Elira smiled nervously.

"I see..." Bao nodded.

Bao was currently in the middle of Ike and Uki, Uki was currently asleep leaning against the window, while Bao noticed Ike still awake but just playing with Shotos hair, a teasing smile formed on her lips as Ike only just looked at her and saw her reaction.

He immediately removed his hand from Shotos hair and wrapped it around him out of embarrassment, yet that still didn't stop Bao from giving him that face.

"Stop staring at me like that.." Ike mumbled.

Bao laughed softly and turned back to face the front, Ike sighed a little and stared back down at Shoto, before realizing the purplettes eyes were fluttering opened. As Shoto opened his eyes, he was met with Ike's.

Ike gulped a little, he was trying to say atleast a word but nothing was coming out. Meanwhile Shoto was just staring back because Ike kept staring.

"Uh...uh...hey..." Was all Ike managed to get out.

"Hi..." Shoto responded rather quietly.

Upon Shoto speaking Bao immediately looked over to find him awake and she immediately lightened up.

"Shou! You're awake!" She exclaimed basically announcing to Rosemi and Elira he was awake.

Elira looked in the mirror and smiled at him which he noticed and gave a small wave.

"Shoto, are you feeling alright?" Rosemi asked.

"Surprisingly yes." Shoto nodded sitting up a bit properly on Ike.

"Also...where are we headed?" Shoto asked followed after a yawn.

Bao ended up filling Shoto in about the whole current situation they were in.

"So you're telling me we have to...save them?" Shoto scowled.

"Yep." Elira sighed.

"Only because they also have Selen though." Elira added.

Shoto nodded in understandment as he yawned once again.

"If you're still tired, you can go back to sleep." Ike said smiling at Shoto.

Shoto nodded at Ike and rested his head on his shoulder while Ike wrapped his arms around his waist holding him closely. Shoto yawned again and rested his eyes once again.

Bao leaned forward giving Ike that face again while he flushed in embarrassment and turned to looked out the window again.




A/n: might make another chapter, idk I'm bored.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now