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A/n: I'm...hoping, I can fit a gay scene in here, praying, otherwise it's just bound to be a whole lot of action 😋

This is also hella random but sometimes when I'm bored I just go into some of my followers profiles and read their stories lmao, ngl some of them be intriguing.






































"Then...take a left...and another left...then a right..." Shoto mumbled followed after a yawn.

"Those directions ...aren't clear enough Shoto.." Rosemi awkwardly chuckled as her and Uki both followed Shotos directions.

"Are you positive were going the right way?" Uki asked with a sigh.

"Nope." Shoto said.

Rosemi and Uki paused before deadpanning Shoto, while he just shrugged before turning his head towards as house.

"What's the matter?" Rosemi asked.

"I hear Sykkuno's voice, he sounds...worried." Shoto mumbled tilting his head.

"That's right...I kinda forgot you had good hearing.." Uki mumbled.

Shoto then immediately used his upper body strength and bowled Rosemi over scaring Rosemi and Uki, though, they immediately understood as if Shoto hadn't of done that, a bullet would've went straight into her head.

"Shoto— are you okay?!" Rosemi asked sitting up.

"I'm fine..are you alright?" Shoto asked.

Rosemi nodded and thanked him as they all turned their attention to the person who fired the bullet was walking towards them, Rosemi was about to sit up till she felt something pointed towards her head, a gun, the same with Uki.

"Damn Uki, you did really go and betray us" Mysta said who was holding a gun up to his head.

"I did what I did, no regrets whatsoever." Uki said with a smile.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now