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A/n: 18k reads??? 😨😨.
























Crashing and things breaking could be heard throughout the house.

"Elira...! I think that's enough.." Rosemi mumbled as she stepped away from the broken glass.

She snapped out of her trance and stared at Rosemi and immediately apologized.

"Ah, no, no...don't worry, I understand the anger you're feeling." She smiled at her.

"But let's not forget that Shoto is still around here, so we can't waste up time smashing things, okay?" Rosemi said.

Elira sighed and nodded, meanwhile, Uki and Bao were currently arguing about something unnecessary.

"Okay..but how is this still my fault..?!" Uki asks.

"I...I don't even know myself..!" She says before turning around and walking back out of the room.

"Wha-?!" Uki says as he watches Bao walk out of the room.

He scowled and followed behind her out of the room as they passed by the staircase still bickering. Meanwhile, under the staircase, Minase had covered Shotos mouth so he wouldn't make a noise as they walked by. Shoto scowled and pushed his hand away.

Minase was rather lost in thought of how he was suppose to get out of this situation with Shoto, he immediately snapped out of thought when Shoto bowled him over and held a knife up to his neck, which surprised him.

But then Minase turned the tables as he pushed Shoto to the side and went ontop of him holding a syringe to his neck. They both held eye contact for a bit before Minase smiled.

"愛らしい." Minase smiled down at him.

Translation: "Adorable".

Shoto tilted his head a little trying to piece together what he had said to him, he was trying to think back on what Elira had taught him during the time she was trying to teach him Japanese, but he wasn't paying attention half the time.

"愛らしい?" Shoto asked confused.

"はい." Minase nodded.

Translation: "Yes".

Shoto knew that meant yes, so now he was even more confused, he pushed past his thoughts and pushed Minase off him making him fall back and he swung the knife which Minase had only just dodged by leaning backwards, Minase kicked Shoto back trying not to hurt him all that much as he pulled out another syringe and held him so he wouldn't move that much.

Shoto tried kicking Minase off him but it didn't end up working as he injected the syringe into his arm, Minase covered Shotos mouth so he wouldn't make a sound. Though, Shoto couldn't honestly couldn't do much as he was still halfly paralyzed.

"What exactly did you inject into me..?" Shoto scowled.

"Just a little something to stop you from resisting." He smiled at Shoto and pulled away.

Shoto was a bit confused till he felt himself go limp and his vision started going hazy. He tried shaking his head to fix his vision but, it only got worse as he felt his eyelids go heavy. Minase caught him as Shoto fell unconscious. He sighed softly as he stared at Shoto in admiration.

He thought to himself for a bit, if they had forgiven Uki...then maybe he himself could be forgiven by them, he honestly didn't want to harm Shoto in any way, but, I guess this was just how it ended up as. He stood up with Shoto in his arms and kicked the entrance opened.

Uki jumped as he heard something bang into a wall, he just had happened to be near the staircase, he looked over to the hatch that leaded under the staircase and tilted his head confused a little. Till he saw Minase and Shoto.

"Ah, so there you are." Uki said as he turned towards Minase.

"Oh, rather lucky for me then, I was about to search for you." Minase said.

"Why so?" Uki asked folding his arms.

Minase stared at Vox who was still passed out and passed Shoto over to Uki surprising him.

"Here I thought you wouldnt go down without a fight.." Uki sweatdropped.

"Change of heart?" Uki asked tilting his head.

"Nothing...personal." Minase said turning his head away.

"Oh..~ so are you a..nice criminal too?" Bao asked popping up out of nowhere.

Minase and Uki both jumped from Bao's sudden appearance, she was currently on the first step on the staircase.

"Uh...I mean...I guess...?" Minase shrugged awkwardly.

She smiled walking up to him before holding and knife up against his neck tightly.

"Even so, randomly take Shoto like that again and your body can say bye-bye to your head." Bao threatened, yet she still had a smile on her face.

Which terrified Uki and Minase more, as Minase slowly nodded his head understanding.

"Good, then we're all on the same page." Bao smiled taking her hand back.

"Well then, I guess we'll meet again later." Minase said.

"We'll meet again? You're not coming with us?" Uki tilted his head.

"Yeah...we kinda need to retrieve their crew back." Bao said putting her hands behind her back.

Minase then paused for a moment.

"What is it?" Uki asked.

"We actually weren't the ones...who had taken your guys crew.."




A/n: 😋.

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