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A/n: wooo, second chapter 🤩.

























Elira was sitting on the desk just on her phone with her legs crossed, she heard footsteps down the hallway but when she looked up, nobody.

"WAH!" Somebody yelled out with a big bang.

Elira jumped making her drop her phone, she looked over and saw 2 other people lying on the ground all cuffed with Shoto cleaning off his Katana again, Selen came back in aswell.

"Kyo!? I though y-"

"Shut up!" Someone called out.

"You know...you could've did something way nicer instead of having Rosemi bandage up every single one of them" Selen sweatdropped.

"Not my problem" Shoto said.

"Anyways did you come in a car Elira?" Selen asked.

"Sure did but, its not going to fit everyone" Elira said staring down at all of them.

"Strap them to the roof" Shoto shrugged.


"great idea!" Elira said patting his head.

Selen just sweatdropped.

"Small minds think alike" Selen mumbled to herself.

"No, me and Shoto will carry on person with us on our motorcycles so that everyone can fit in your car" Selen said.

"What if they try something?" Elira asked.

"Were on motorcycles, we'll probably crash so they're just setting themselves up for death" Selen shrugged already helping someone up.

"Come on Shoto" Selen said.

Shoto just groaned.

"I'll buy you anything you'd like afterwards" Selen said.

Shoto just stared down at the person below him and took them, Elira was stuck with all the others.

"Get your hands off me!" One of then scowled trying to bite her.

"I swear to god I'll shoot you, I have my gun now" Elira said holding it up to their head.

Elira saw Selen dead eyeing her making her nervous so she quickly put her gun down and kicked the person she was holding in the car and slammed the door shut.

"Okay, it's not my fault if you end up crashing Selen~!" Elira teased.

Selen just rolled her eyes in response chuckling.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now