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A/n: y'all might kill me for this chapter 😊.







"Who's...on my leg..?"

"Get off me!"

"I think I may have broken a limb or two..."

"What happened..."

"My...hair! Get off!"

"I can't see anything!"

"Because we're blindfolded!"

"I know that!"

"Will yous shut up." A voice scowled, one they had recognized.

One of the people's blindfolds dropped and they looked over at everyone, Aster...Mysta...Kyo...and himself, Sonny. He watched Mysta crawl over to Kyo and pull his blindfold off for him since they were handcuffed still.

Both Kyo and Sonny sat up and stared at each other before looking at the person who was on their phone smoking, this made Aster hold his breath from the smell.

"Ah...I recognize you." Kyo said.

This caught the persons attention and they turned their phone off and slipped it into their pocket and threw their cigarette down stepping on it.

"I'm glad you do then." They smiled.

Meanwhile, Aster crawled over to Mysta and yanked his blindfold off, it took a bit because Aster had to feel for where it was, then Sonny took Asters blindfold off.

"What exactly would you like from us?" Kyo scowled.

"Maybe, I'm going to get what yous want." They responded.

"What we want?" Kyo tilted his head.

"Goodluck with that." Sonny responded already knowing what the person had meant.

"What does he mean exactly?"

Two men walked into the room as they unlocked the door, Selen placed a hand on her hip while Pomu kinda stood behind Selen.

"So yous are who kidnapped us?" Selen tilted her head.

Before Selen could say anything else, a gun was pointed at her, before she knew it, both of them held guns towards her.

"What's this about, hm?" Selen asked keeping her composure taking her hand off her hip.

The two of them threw 2 knives down still holding their guns towards her. Pomu and Selen looked down at the knives rather puzzled as they shared a glance and turned to them.

"What's this for?" Selen had asked.

"Yous want to escape right?" One answered.

"Rather obvious." Selen scoffed narrowing her eyes.

"In order for that to happen, one of yous have to kill the other." They finished explaining.

Pomu and Selen stood there, processing what they had just been told.

❞ Dont Hurt Yourselves. ❞ 「 Shxtou Harem 」Where stories live. Discover now