751 21 55

A/n: not me writing this at almost 3am, I'm hella bored ☠️.



























"What exactly do you mean by...your teams already there?" Selen asked narrowing her eyes.

"I mean, that, they're at Sykkuno's, waiting upon their arrival." Shu said.

"It's probably far by late now, rather unfortunate." Shu said before a smile formed upon his face.

Selen clicked her tongue in annoyance, it seems as Shu observed what she was about to do and immediately backed up dodging a knife being swung at him.

Elira then bowled over Shu pulling her own knife out, he then placed his hands Infront of him as if he was about to push her off himself, before he could do so, Elira stabbed through his hand making him yelp. Ah, looks like she's finally got revenge.

She left the knife in his hand standing up and kicking him into the wall as Selen held her gun up to the remaining person standing.

"Elira, go after them, I'll stay here." Selen said not turning her attention of the person.

"What the? And let you I don't know...get injured?" Elira looked at her.

"I'll be fine, looks as if I only have one opponent to work with anyways." She said.

Elira growled under her breath slightly before taking the knife out of Shu's hand and running to the direction she had seen Uki and Rosemi run too.






















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