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A/n: I have a real bad stomach ache rn, idek why ☠️.




























Elira was currently going left and right having not a clue where Sykkuno's house was, and that was starting to annoy her as she stopped and looked around herself observing the houses.

"And...this is why we should've never went to Sykkuno's, shouldve stuck with my words." She huffed in annoyance.

She then kept running straight till a few figures were in sight for her, so she picked up her pace and ran closer. Till she realized who they were as she was almost there, she slowed her pace down and began walking towards them.

"What in the...?" Elira tilted her head as she observed all the people handcuffed on the ground.

They all turned their attention towards her as Uki noticed her, he sat right up.

"Oh? Uki? Did you annoy Rosemi that much she had to handcuff you and leave you here?" Elira laughed softly kneeling down Infront of him.

"It actually wasn't Rosemi at all, it was this other cop who showed up, shes got blue hair, that's all I remember." Uki explained as Elira got him out of his handcuffs.

He thanked her standing up and stretching.

"Now ..what exactly did yous all do?" Elira asked observing the people around them that are passed out.

"Look now don't blame me, all I did was hit and dodge" Uki shrugged.

"I see, well then, let's head inside." Elira said.

He nodded following after her as they both walked inside the house.



















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