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A/n: I just spent the past 30 minutes laughing my ass off bc someone was getting triggered over a goddamn ship in a fanfic ☠️.

Dumbass didn't read the description and didn't see the ships ☠️.





Before Uki or Bao could respond, footsteps from upstairs could be heard coming down, they all looked at Minase who had disappeared, aswell as he took Vox with him, Bao and Uki shared a glace before turning back towards the staircase with Elira coming down first followed after Rosemi.

"We didn't find an-"

"Is that Shou?" Elira paused.

"Uh..yeah." Uki nodded.

"Ah, so yous found him! Thank goodness..." Rosemi sighed out of relief.

"Actually...we didn't find hi-"

She paused for a moment wondering if she should tell them, she looked at Uki for reassurance and he nodded.

"Hm?" Elira asked.

"We didn't find him...Minase had given him over." Bao explained.

"He...what?" Rosemi asked tilting her head.

"Yeah, he gave him over." Uki said.

"In... exchange for anything?" Elira asked.

"Nope." Bao said.

Elira and Rosemi then shared a glance before turning back to them.

"So, where is he?" Elira asked.

"Actually, when he heard yous coming down, he disappeared." Bao explained.

Elira nodded and looked around among them, Rosemi, Uki, Bao and Shoto. She kept looking around feeling as if someone was missing, before it clicked and she turned to everyone again.

"Hey, where's Ike?" Elira asked.

"Actually, yeah, where is Ike?" Bao said also beginning to look around.

"He is still injured...I hope he's okay." Rosemi mumbled.

Elira then called out for Ike, after a good old 2 minutes, they received nothing back.

"Which way did he go?" Elira asked.

Everyone else shrugged.

"Well..that doesn't help." Elira said.

Though a few minutes later Ike came running to where they were, trying to catch his breath as if something had been chasing him.

"Eh-? Ike?!" Rosemi said out of shock.

"Oh, there he is." Elira said.

"Where'd you go?" Bao asked.

"I was just...looking outside...trying...to see if that...pink haired went outside..." Ike said in-between breaths.

"Are you alright?" Elira asked observing his state.

Ike nodded his head and leaned against the wall.

"Yeah..though, I watched this car pull up where the criminals were all handcuffed, they picked them up and threw them into the car." Ike explained folding his arms slightly.

"Then, when they had noticed me, they began firing, though, one of the things that did catch my attention were the fact the criminals that had gained conscious were resisting them, you know? Trying to break free." Ike said as he had finished what he had seen.

"So...they were kidnapped?" Bao asked feeling a bit taken back.

"Yeah..I think so." Ike nodded.

"Oh well." Elira shrugged.

Elira jumped slightly when Rosemi slapped her arm.

"What do you mean oh well..? You do know, just because they're criminals and they just got kidnapped, doesn't mean the people kidnapping them have done the right thing, it makes them the criminals and the others, victims. Were cops remember? We have no choice but to save them, plus! If they got all the criminals, that means they have Selen too since she was with Shu and whoever else!" Rosemi scolded.

Elira thought for a moment, she knew she was right which made her sigh.

"Were you able to see the car drive off?" Elira asked turning to Ike.

He nodded and explained the direction they went.

"Let's go then." Elira said as Bao threw her, her car keys.

Elira catched them and they all made way out the front door of the house. Uki had given Ike Shoto since he had wanted him, they all got into Bao's police car with Rosemi in the passenger seat while the other 4 are in the back.

They were all in complete silence for awhile before Uki had brought up something stupid which caused a conversation, which was rather thankful for Uki because the tension in the air as it was dead silence, was not his personal preference.

Meanwhile, Ike who had Shoto in his arms, was kinda playing with his hair, he had wondered why he was passed out and wasn't waking up, even after a whole argument Elira and Uki had. He was holding him close so he wouldn't loose grip of him so easily.

He stared down at him, kinda admiring his looks, though he didn't want to be creepy and watch him sleep so he turned back to look out the window still running his hands through his hair.




A/n: might remake this chapter tbh, idk how to feel about it 🤷‍♀️.

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