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Lynn and Sean pulled up outside an isolated house, "Are you sure about this?" Sean asked.

"I don't see you coming up with anything," Lynn said as she got out of the car.

Sean followed her, "But this is..." Sean said.

Lynn turned to him, "Sean, we need to do this... For our families, or have you forgotten the promise you made to me when we were kids?" Lynn asked.

 For our families, or have you forgotten the promise you made to me when we were kids?" Lynn asked

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"I'd always have your back," Sean said and he sighed.

"Exactly! Now, buck up and come on," Lynn said as she walked to the door.

"You, Fier, are going to be the end of me," Sean said as he followed her while.

Lynn knocked on the door, "Who is it?" C. Berman asked.

"It's like Lynn Fier and Sean Thompson. We need to talk, now, Berman," They heard many locks unlock and the two looked at each other as the door opened then they looked at their old friend, "We need to come in," Lynn said and the two walked in then watched their friend lock the door again.

C. Berman turned to them, "Lynn," They smiled at each other and hugged each other, "I'm so sorry about Lola and David," C. Berman said.

"Don't be, you apologise every time we speak over the phone... It is not your fault," Lynn said.

"I got this..." C Berman led them into the sitting room and the two visitors looked around and the various alarm locks with labels next to them then C Berman turned to them, "It works for me," C Berman said.

Lynn looked at her friend and smiled, "Of course... What did you want to show us?" Lynn asked.

"This," C Berman handed her a note that read It's Happening Again, "Lynn..." C Berman said.

"Yeah... This is why we're here... We wanted to check on you and possibly spend time together because of... You know," Lynn said.

"Oh, I just have microwave meals..." C Berman said.

"Don't worry... I brought me and Sean some, we just want to be with you, please," Lynn said.

"Okay," Their friend said as she nodded.

"How have you been?" Sean asked.

"I've had better days... How's your son?" C Berman asked.

"Spending time with his friends, he knows the truth now and understands it in a way that my wife couldn't," Sean said.

"Spending time with his friends, he knows the truth now and understands it in a way that my wife couldn't," Sean said

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