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In the camp's dark woods, Tommy lumbered ahead while in the Woodshop Cabin, Sean walked in, "Hey, Jer," Jeremy looked at him, "Have you seen Counsellor David or Lynn, anywhere?" Sean asked.

"No, Mr Thompson... Saw Lynn in her cabin with Ziggy a few hours ago before the game started," Jeremy said.

"Right, uh... Thanks, kid... Keep up the good work, sport," Sean said and walked out, closing the doors behind him.

Jeremy faced three captured Sunnyvalers, "Can I, uh... Get you water or juice box maybe?" Jeremy asked.

"We're fine," One of Shelia's friends said.

"Cool. Yeah, I just thought, you know, since we're all in here and in jail that you might want some refreshments, but, uh... Or we can, uh... We can... We can... Well, we can play a game. Do you guys like, uh, charades..." Jeremy said nervously.

"Shut up the fuck up, nerd," Sheila's friend said.

"Yeah, okay. Sure. Um..." Jeremy nodded slightly as banging was heard from a distance and he stepped towards the door, "Sunnyvalers... These inmates are the property of Shadyside. If you... If you don't leave, I...I'll be forced to get you," Jeremy said and he kicked open the cabin's double doors the looked at the dark woods outside.

Just then, two Sunnyvalers threw eggs at him, covering his glasses with the insides of the eggs and they ran in, tapping the other Sunnyvalers and escaping the cabin.

Jeremy groaned, "Man..." Jeremy said dejectedly, he took his glasses, turned his back to the open door and cleaned the eggs off his lenses before placing them back on, he turned around to see Tommy standing outside the cabin with the axe, "Tommy?" Jeremy said, confusedly.

Tommy walked towards Jeremy and raised his axe as Jeremy screamed while Tommy swung the axe at Jeremy, blood splattered on the window.

In the Science and Nature cabin, Ziggy and David were looking at the animals, and stood on opposite sides of the table, "I love snakes," David said

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In the Science and Nature cabin, Ziggy and David were looking at the animals, and stood on opposite sides of the table, "I love snakes," David said.

"Is that a Fier thing?" David looked at her, "Just, uh... When Lola was helping out, she said the same thing," Ziggy said.

"Possibly yeah," He chuckled, "You can guess we get a lot of shit from people about our last name... So, we don't let things get to us anymore," Ziggy watched him, "I think... Sarah was the last Fier who let people decide their fate," David said.

"Don't think she's a witch?" Ziggy asked.

"More likely a healer and men not liking a woman with a brain," David said.

"You think she was like that?" Ziggy said.

"I know she was like that," David smiled.

"You care for them don't you?" David looked at her, "Your sisters I mean," Ziggy said.

"Yeah... They're all I've got. What's the deal with you and Cindy?" David asked.

"Oh, uh..." Ziggy said.

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