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Ziggy and Lynn were walking toward the infirmary and headed inside, "Nurse Lane! Hello! I'm in trouble again. Help," Ziggy said.

Lynn chuckled, "Yeah, you get in trouble too much don't you?" Lynn questioned.

"I don't mean to," Ziggy sighed, "Nurse Lane, come on! I could die any minute now," Ziggy and Lynn looked around the vacant infirmary cabin, "Nurse Lane?" Ziggy called out as she pushed open a door into the nurse's office, she noticed an open book and she turned it around so she could read it then Lynn followed after her.

"I don't mean to," Ziggy sighed, "Nurse Lane, come on! I could die any minute now," Ziggy and Lynn looked around the vacant infirmary cabin, "Nurse Lane?" Ziggy called out as she pushed open a door into the nurse's office, she noticed an open book...

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The left page had a clipping of Ruby Lane about her killing and on the right page, a sketch of a symbol labelled Witch's Mark. "What are you two doing?" Nurse Lane asked from behind them.

Ziggy and Lynn turned around startled, "Oh my god! Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of us!" Lynn said and they exhaled deeply.

Nurse Lane stared at them blankly, "Are you okay?" Ziggy asked.

Nurse Lane sighed and sniffled, "I am," She noticed the burn mark on Ziggy's arm, "Oh my goodness. Ziggy, Ziggy, Ziggy. What did we do now?" Nurse Lane asked.

"Lighter burn..." Lynn told her.

"Come, sit down," Nurse Lane said as she walked to get her medical kit while Ziggy and Lynn sat down on one of the beds.

Nurse Lane walked over and started treating Ziggy's wound, "Okay, so you are gonna apply this once a day for three days. Okay? It's gonna protect against infection," Nurse Lane looked at Lynn, "You can pin her down to apply it if she refuses," Nurse Lane said.

Lynn chuckled as Ziggy rolled her eyes, "Okay... I'd need fresh bandages... Do you have any spare?" Lynn asked.

Nurse Lane nodded to a stank of bandages, "Take one of the thinner loads and return what is left over," Nurse Lane said.

"Will do, thank you," Lynn said and walked over to the bandages, looking at them for the thinnest one that would cover three days.

Nurse Lane started applying the ointment onto Ziggy's arm, "It's gross," Ziggy complained.

Nurse Lane scoffed, amused, "You'll survive," She said.

"So, um... What's the Witch's Mark?" Ziggy asked as Lynn glanced over her shoulder at them.

Nurse Lane looked at Ziggy with a hard stare, "You know about my daughter, right? Ruby Lane?" She asked.

"Uh... I don't..." Ziggy said unsurely.

"Of course you do. Everybody talks, I know. Tell me, what do they say?" Nurse Lane asked.

"Uh, um... They say she, uh... She killed people... At a party. Seven... Seven friends," Ziggy said hesitantly.

"Eight. She killed herself that night too. So eight. Ruby was such a sweet girl. Oh, and she had a sweet voice. She was in the choir. She wanted to be a singer... I was so proud of her. So proud," Nurse Lane started bandaging up Ziggy's burn, "The doctors say it was a psychotic episode, that she just snapped. But the kids... The kids say Sarah Fier made her do it," Nurse Lane said as she continued bandaging up the burn mark a little too tightly on Ziggy's arm.

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