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At camp, Nick, David, Sean and Gary were gathering the campers into the Mess Hall.

At camp, Nick, David, Sean and Gary were gathering the campers into the Mess Hall

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"Five, seven, eight, ten, fifteen, eighteen..." Nick said as he counted the campers entering the hall.

The lights of the mess hall went out and most of the campers screamed, "Everyone, stay calm! Everything's alright," David said and the four counsellors gathered together.

"How many?" Sean asked, looking at Nick.

"Twenty-Three," Nick said.

"That's thirty missing at least," David said.

"Where's Cindy, Lola, Kurt and Joan?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen them. Or Tommy or anyone," The lights came back on, "Maybe, they're looking for us," Gary said.

Nick tried the phone but heard nothing, "It's dead," Nick said.

"We have to go. We have to warn people," Lynn said.

"Lynn's right. They might not know what's happening," Ziggy said.

"I'm sure they heard the bell," Lynn tried to leave but Nick stopped her, "Hey!" Nick said.

"Our sisters are still out there!" Lynn said.

"Yeah, the same sister you wish wasn't at camp with you?" David looked over as Lynn rolled her eyes and tried to leave again but Nick stopped her again, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," Nick said.

"Nick, she's pregnant. I'm not sitting here," Lynn said.

"Me, Gary, Sean and David will go," Nick said.

"What?" Gary and Sean said.

"He's right," David looked at Ziggy, "I'll find them, just stay put for me, okay?" David said as he rubbed her arm.

"We can't just sit here!" Ziggy shouted.

"I'm not letting you two get hurt!" David shouted and everyone looked over at them.

"David..." Ziggy said.

"Just stay put, okay? Please? Let me do my job," David placed his hand on Ziggy's cheek, "I'm gonna find your sister and mine. I promise, just stay here," David said and looked at Lynn.

"David, what if..." Lynn said.

"Then stay here," David repeated.

"But..." Lynn said.

"I've got this," David said.

"Lynn," Lynn looked at Nick, "Promise me you won't leave?" Nick said and she nodded then they kissed as David glared at them.

"Be careful," Lynn said.

Nick looked at Gary and Sean, "You two. Come on," Nick said and the four counsellors headed out of the Mess Hall.

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