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Ziggy and Lynn were heading towards the outhouse and glanced around as they approached the hut. Lynn noticed the screwdriver still wedged in the lock, "Oh shit," Lynn muttered.

"Come on," Ziggy said and removed the screwdriver then they entered the outhouse to see bugs, flower petals and other debris littering the floor.

"Sheila?" They called out as they looked around.

"Sheila, are you still in here? Sheila?" Ziggy called out as she opened a cubicle door.

"You bitches!" Sheila said as she came out from behind Ziggy and grabbed her by the hair then slammed her against the wall.

"Sheila! Listen to me!" Ziggy shouted and Sheila shoved Ziggy away.

"Sheila, stop!" Lynn shouted.

In the caverns, Lola, Cindy and Alice were walking forward, "Do you smell that?" Cindy asked.

"Ugh. It smells like shit," Alice limped alongside them and noticed white paper lining the moss-covered walls, "Is that toilet paper?" Alice asked.

"It's the outhouse. It's gotta be," Lola said as they entered a cavern with walls covered in red moss.

"Holy shit," Alice muttered.

"There it is. Look," Cindy said as they raised their flashlights to the underside of a latrine far above.

"Disgusting..." Lola commented.

In the outhouse, Sheila and Ziggy were fighting as Lynn stood by the door, "We're trying to help you!" Lynn shouted.

"There's a killer-" Ziggy tried to say when Sheila slapped her which resulted in Ziggy punching the Sunnyvaler, knocking her unconscious.

"There's a killer-" Ziggy tried to say when Sheila slapped her which resulted in Ziggy punching the Sunnyvaler, knocking her unconscious

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"Oh shit," Ziggy muttered as Lynn walked up to her.

"Feel better?" Lynn asked.

"Honestly... Yeah," Ziggy said as she nodded.

Gary came in, "I heard shouting. What's going..." He noticed Sheila, "What's going on in here? What the f..." Gary said.

"Is everything okay?" Lynn asked.

"No! Everyone's headed back to the Mess Hall. Where's Sean, David and Nick?" Gary asked.

"Help! Help! We're down here! Help!" They heard muffled shouting.

"Do you hear that?" Gary asked.

Lynn looked towards a latrine, "I think it's coming from in there..." Lynn said.

Ziggy opened the door and the three of them looked into the cubicle, "Hello? Down here! Please help us! Get us out of here!" Muffled voices yelled.

Ziggy opened the latrine lid and she looked down, "Will you please help us?!" Cindy shouted.

"Cindy?" Ziggy said confusedly.

"Ziggy? Oh my God!" Cindy said in relief.

"What are you doing down there?" Ziggy asked.

One Killer Story 1978 [Fear Street Part Two || One Killer Story Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now