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In the dark woodland, Cindy and Lola were following Alice and Arnice, "Alice! Alice! Come on!" Lola called out.

"It's disgusting in here!" Cindy called out.

"We're close, Fier, Berman, hang in there! Alice walked over to Arnie, "This is the best idea," Alice said as she grinned.

"Yeah, but I still don't feel shit," Arnie said.

"Okay, so, take more," Alice said as she gave him the pill bottle from Cindy's bag that they took before she walked ahead of him.

"Thank you, L484," Arnie said as he dumped some pills into his hand.

"Arnie!" Alice called out.

"Wait up!" Arnie said as he ran after her.

"Alice! I swear to God-" Cindy gasped when her sleeve got torn on a branch and she looked at the damage, "Shit! Oh, it's ruined now!" Cindy said.

Sean and Tommy walked up to them, "You cursed again," Sean said in surprise.

Cindy looked at him annoyed, "You want me to murder you?" Cindy asked.

Sean raised his hands in defence, "Oh, no, no, no," Sean said.

Tommy closed his eyes as he started to get lightheaded and Lola noticed, "Babe, you okay?" Lola asked as she stepped closer to him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Tommy muttered as he sniffed.

"Maybe you shouldn't be out here... Why don't you go back to camp," Lola suggested.

"You're not leaving me. So, I'm not leaving you," Tommy said.

The four teenagers heard Alice scream in the distance, "Alice?" Cindy and Lola called out and rushed through the murky woods with their flashlights lighting their way as Tommy and Sean followed them.

Cindy and Lola slowed down as they saw Alice claiming out of a deeply oblong hole, "Watch your step," Alice said and Lola helped pull her out then they looked down at the hole.

"Is someone digging a grave?" Sean asked.

"Graves," Alice corrected as she moved her torch to light multiple dug holes scattered around them.

"Mary... Hey, where's the, uh..." Tommy picked up the notebook and opened up to the map as Lola aimed her flashlight at the pages, "The X's, look. Look," He pointed to the X's on the map, "Look, here. Here. She was marking where she dug," Tommy said.

"But why is she digging here?" Sean asked.

Alice flipped the pages to the curse's rhyme, "But without her hand, her grip on the land holds firm and the curse will last until body and hand unite," Alice said and Lola looked amused slightly.

"Maybe Mary was looking for the hand. To end the curse?" Tommy said in a questioning tone as he looked at Lola who shrugged her shoulders.

"That made her daughter lose her mind," Alice said.

"Guys, come on," Cindy scoffed, "This is silly," She said as she chuckled softly.

"Yeah," Arnie sighed, "I gotta pee," Arnie said as he walked away.

"Hey, let me see that," Alice said to Tommy as she reached for the notebook.

Cindy took the book and looked at Alice, "You can have it, but first give me the drugs," Cindy said.

Lola rolled her eyes, "Cindy... Just get over the fucking drugs, alright? No offence, but you're giving me a migraine, we have more pressing matters to deal with," Lola said and Tommy rubbed her back as Sean and Cindy glanced at each other while Alice looked amused.

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