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Ziggy and Cindy were running towards the hanging tree, "There it is! Go, go!" Cindy shouted and they sprinted towards the tree where Ziggy was previously hung by her wrist and burnt by Shiela.

"Here?" Ziggy asked.

"Yes! Dig! Dig!" Cindy said.

They both started digging and Ziggy noticed a pale face emerging from the darkness in front of them, "Cindy?" Ziggy said.

Cindy looked ahead and saw a small figure with a white mask, Billy Barker, tapping a bat on the ground as he stalked towards them, "Just keep digging," They continued digging and Cindy noticed Ruby walking towards them from another direction, "Faster," Cindy said.

Ziggy hit something with the shovel, "I hit something," She told her sister and they both dropped to their knees pulling a large stone out of the hole and brushing off the dirt, feeling letters carved into one of the surface edges.

"The witch forever lives," Cindy read out.

Ziggy repeated the words as she breathed heavily, "Cindy, what does it mean?" She looked at her older sister, "Cindy?" Ziggy said.

"I don't know," Cindy muttered.

"Well, where is it? Where's the body?" Ziggy asked.

"I don't know," Ruby drew closer to them, "This way, come on!" Cindy said.

From the opposite direction, the Nightwing Killer was heading towards them as well as Billy as he tapped his bat on the ground and Harry Rooker with a scarred face as he gripped his knife as well as Ruby who lifted her razor as the sisters to see themselves surrounded by Shadyside Killers.

"What do you want, Sarah Fier?!" Cindy held up the skeleton hand, "You want this? You can have it! Just let my sister live!" Lola, Lynn, Sean and David ran to the clearing but stayed by the trees as they watched them, "Just let my sister live!" Cindy saw them and she looked at Sean, "I love you, baby," Cindy shouted and Ziggy turned to them.

"David?!" Ziggy said in surprise.

"Cindy! No, don't do it!" Sean yelled and ran forward.

"Sean, don't!" Lola looked at David, "Keep Lynn out of this," She ran after Sean and grabbed him, the two fought against each other as Sean kept trying to get to the sisters but Lola kept trying to stop him as the killers kept advanced on the sisters.

Cindy dropped the hand and grabbed the shovel as she turned to Ziggy, "You bled on the bone. You're after you. Get ready to run," Cindy said.

"No, Cindy, no! No, Cindy!" Ziggy begged.

"Lola, let me go!" Sean yelled.

"No!" Lola yelled and her eyes widened when she saw both Grifter and Ed Carson running out of the forest with the other killers.

Sean turned around, "Shit!" Sean said and grabbed Lola's hand and they ran.

"Fuck it! Come on!" Lola said and pulled him to the sisters.

"No!" David and Lynn yelled.

"Cindy!" Sean yelled as they huddled together.

"We need to run as our lives depend on it... Because they do," Lola said.

"Lola... Your babies," Cindy said.

"Yeah, someone didn't listen to me..." Sean took hold of Cindy's hand as he looked at Lola apologetically, "Okay... Okay... Let's go now!" Lola said and they all started running.

Cindy pushed Ziggy out of the way as she swung the shovel at Nightwing Killer, hitting him in the face, he reeled and knocked her over with his axe. Ziggy saw as she ran, "No! No!" She yelled as she had her back turner, Harry Rooker grabbed her and plunged his knife into her stomach while Nightwing Killer buried his axe into Cindy's chest.

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