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It was the start of the Colour War and a camper placed a tape in a cassette play and put a microphone next to it with a rock holding down a button as Carry On Wayward Son played through the speakers throughout the camp.

Campers wore red and blue face paint and shirts the counsellors handed out earlier that morning. Kurt was standing in front of a group of Sunnyvalers as he swung the red flag, "Do not let them anywhere near this. Do you hear me?" Kurt said.

"Yeah!" Sunnyvale campers said.

Elsewhere in the camp, a Shadysider carried a blue flag to Tommy as the Shadyside campers chanted their town's name, "Alright, alright, alright! Now, remember, keep at least three defenders by this at all times. Alright? And who's the jailer?" Lola and David watched Tommy from a small distance as a camper, named Jeremy, raised his hand, "Okay, Jeremy, you may be the most important player in the, uh..." Tommy's eyes turned a little dull, "In the..." Tommy said then groaned before something said his name.


Tommy zoned out and Lola walked over, taking hold of his hand, "Tommy! Hey, are you okay?" Lola asked.

Tommy wiped some sweat from his forehead, "Yeah, are you okay, Mr Slater?" Jeremy asked.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm good. Um... Why don't you guys get started? Plant the flag," Tommy handed the flag to Jeremy, "And we'll be right behind you. Okay? Let's go, Shadyside! Come on!" Tommy encouraged and the campers ran off to plant the flag.

Lola looked at him, "Baby?" Lola said.

Tommy exhaled as he rubbed his head, "Oh, man. my head is throbbing. She must have got me pretty good. Mary's stronger than she looks," Tommy said.

"You need to lie down? David can take over for as long as you need," Lola said.

"No, no, I'm alright, I'm alright," Tommy said.

Cindy walked over to them with Sean, "Good. I need your help," Lola and Tommy looked at her, "And the key to the infirmary," Cindy said.

"Why?" Lola asked.

"I'm getting some answers for you two," Cindy said.

"The answer is, someone obviously upset Nurse Lane about her daughter and made a sick joke about Tommy to her, end of. Just leave it," Lola said.

"Lola..." Cindy said.

"No, Cindy enough! We have a job to do, isn't that all you go on about now?" Lola asked.

"I just want to help," Cindy said.

Tommy and Lola looked at each other, "Fine," Lola said as she sighed and turned to where David was to see he was gone.

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Campers ran around the grounds at dusk while a campfire burnt, unintended and Lola, Tommy, Sean and Cindy walked up to the infirmary. Cindy unlocked the padlock on the door and they walked inside as a single lamp glowed next to a bed.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Tommy asked as he placed his hand on Lola's waist.

"Answers," Cindy said as she handed him the keys back.

"Yes, you said that already," Lola said.

Tommy took the keys, "Oh, come on, Cindy. It doesn't matter, alright?" Tommy said.

"It matters. There's a reason Mary did what she did and said what she said. And we're going to figure it out now," She looked at the couple, "You two are going to be parents... You deserve to know," Cindy said.

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