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A redhead girl was running through the forest in a panic, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" She muttered as she continued running and then glanced behind her before she got knocked over by a brunette boy who stopped her by his arm, she f...

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A redhead girl was running through the forest in a panic, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" She muttered as she continued running and then glanced behind her before she got knocked over by a brunette boy who stopped her by his arm, she fell back to the ground, panting and her nose bled.

A redhead girl was running through the forest in a panic, "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" She muttered as she continued running and then glanced behind her before she got knocked over by a brunette boy who stopped her by his arm, she f...

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She touched her bloody nose and saw the boy with three other girls standing over her, "You're gonna hang, witch," One of the girls said, her hair was black with two clips holding her bags back as she stood in the front of the group, the leader of the group, Sheila.

"Before the witch's final breath, she found a way to cheat her death," The group changed as they dragged her off to an old tree.

"Oh, God!" The redhead said.

"By cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon our land! She reaches from beyond the grave, to make good men her wicked slaves. She'll take your blood, take your head, she'll follow you until you're dead," The group chanted.

The redhead was shoved to the ground, "String her up," Sheila said.

"No, stop it! Stop it! Stop," The boy pulled a rope tight around the tree and she was forced to stand up, before she could only touch the group with her toes, "Let me down, you shits! Let me down!" The redhead shouted.

Sheila pulled some cash out of the redhead's pocket, "Well, well. What do we have here?" Sheila asked, in a slight mocking-like tone.

"Goddamn thief!" The brunette boy said.

"No. no, she's no thief. She's possessed by the witch. The only way to explain her psycho behaviour," Sheila said.

"Fuck you!" The redhead shouted then harshly elbowed the girl in her face.

"Fuck you!" The redhead shouted then harshly elbowed the girl in her face

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