1.2 The Day You Never Caught

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I still couldn't believe that they wanted to capture and kill Sparrow after everything he'd done for us. "Carefully, Lieutenant." James said to us, I just had to set him free.

"Pirate or not, this man saved my life." Elizabeth said to him, and she was right about that.

"A saviour if you must." I said to James with a smile.

"One good deed does not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness." James said to her, well in my eyes it did.

"It's enough to condemn him." Jack said to him as he was being cuffed.

"Indeed." Norrington said to us, I looked at him.

"But that isn't fair." I said before the guy finished cuffing Jack.

"Finally." He said before wrapping the chain around Elizabeth's neck.

"No! No! Don't shoot!" Dad shouted at him, Jack gave me a slight look. This was all a plan.

"I knew you'd both warm up to me. Commodore Norrington, my effects, please. And my hat. Commodore." Jack shouted at Norrington before they started gathering his stuff. "Elizabeth...It is Elizabeth? And your sister, she's Y/n right?" He asked, she looked at me.

"It's Miss Swann and Mrs. Swann." She said to him, I never wanted my husbands surname. I knew he wouldn't be around for long.

"Miss Swann, if you'd be so kind, come, come, dear. We don't have all day." He said before she was handed his stuff. Jack then turned her around. "If you'll be very kind." He said to her with a smile. She then put his hat on him along with everything else. "Easy on the goods, darling." He said to her.

"You're despicable." She said to him, this was a get away plan. Nothing more, nothing less. I could see how he thought.

"Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you saved mine. We're square." He said to her before spinning her around again and putting his gun to her head. "Gentlemen, my ladies, you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!" He said before releasing Elizabeth and throwing her into us. He then grabbed the rope and launched into the air. He was gone. I looked up and smiled. How could I be like that. He started spinning in a circle.

"Now will you shoot him?" Dad asked as we watched him go in circles.

"Open fire!" Norrington yelled. But they all missed. "On his heels!" He shouted before they started running.

"He truly is the worst pirate." I said while laughing and walking away. I wasn't going to follow him but I was to head home and try and get out of this hideous corset. Yes, it may have made me look good but at the cost of not breathing properly. I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it, it revealed Sam. "May, I ask why your here?" I asked him while leaning on the door.

"The pirate, Jack Sparrow. He's still on the run. I need you to stay safe Y/n." He said to me I looked at him.

"You worried about me Huntingdon?" I asked him with a smile, he shook his head and looked away.

"Always, I may not love you in that way but your still a friend. I can't let anything happen to you like that." He said to me, he then left. Well that was a funny thing for him to do but I guess he just wanted me safe. Later on I got changed into my night clothes and started reading my book in bed. I need something more to happen. A run in with my first pirate. I wanted it to happen again.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now