1.7. More bloody pirates

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I still couldn't believe we'd gone from pirates to more pirates. Out of everything. But all I wanted to know was where that damn pirate Jack was. "So, Turner, are you a pirate now?" I asked him and he looked at me and then Elizabeth.

"No. Not that I don't think so. I haven't killed anyone or stolen anything." He said to us and we all continued talking.

"What sort of a man trades a man's life for a ship?" Elizabeth asked as we both wrapped our hands up.

"Pirate. Here. Let me." He said before wrapping Lizzie's hand and I gave her a look.

"Thank you." She said to him.

"You said you both gave Barbossa my name as yours. Why?" He asked the two of us and I flickered my eyes at them both.

"Ask her, her idea." I said to him with a smile.

"I don't know." She said before she pulled her hand back.

"Im sorry. Blacksmith's hands. I know they're rough." He said to her and I stood up, I looked at them both.

"You two keep talking I'll be on deck." I said before heading up. I saw Gibbs.

"Y/n, it's nice for you too join us." He said to me and he smiled. I was glad that I was welcomed onboard.

"It is now introduce me to the crew." I said to him and he smiled, he then walked me around and introduced me to everyone. The only one missing was Sparrow. But I already knew that. Once I was introduced I went back inside. I didn't see Elizabeth before I went back on deck.

"The Black Pearl is gaining on us, drop as much off as possible." She said to me and we started throwing barrels over the edge. Anything we didn't need including barrels, I went upstairs to Anamaria and Lizzie.

"It was a good plan, up till now." Anamaria said to us, they had the cannons out. This ship wouldn't last at all.

"Gibbs! We have make a stand. We just fight! Load the guns!" Will shouted and how exactly would we fight them.

"With what?" Anamaria asked him, we didn't haven't anything.

"Anything! Everything! Anything we have left." Will said to us all let's just hope we could take the ship down.

"Load the guns! Case shot and language! Nails and crushed glass! With a will!" Gibbs shouted and I quite liked this lifestyle now and I was adapted to it, being at sea, I went down and helped with loaded the cannons.

"We need to keep filling them with anything you can find!" I said before the ship tilted and I went back up. I watched what was happening we had the upper advantage now.

"Fire all!" Elizabeth shouted and we let fire go. We were winning this battle.

"Keep going!" I shouted at that's exactly what we did. Wouldn't stop until everything was gone, we then started shooting at them I'd never used a gun before but it was going pretty well if I do say so myself.

"We could use a few more ideas, lass!" Gibbs said to the two of us and we looked at him.

"It's your turn!" Elizabeth shouted at him.

"We need us a devil's dowry!" He said before taking a shot at someone.

"We'll give them her!" Anamaria said while putting a gun to Lizzie.

"That won't work." I said to her and she looked at.

"She's not what they're after." Will said to her and Lizzie looked down to her chest for something.

"The medallion." She said and Will left. He was what they needed to break the curse. He was the blood of a pirate. Well he was when we found him. He had to be. It looked like the other crew were getting to do something. We watched as our sail was shot down, this wasn't looking up for us. Only down.

"Get ready to fight harder!" I shouted at them all before the black Pearl crew started boarding the ship, I was working on using my cutlass for a little hand to hand combat. I watched Jack swing back and forth before landing on the ship. I saw him run over to me.

"Your doing good, maybe I can give you a few private lessons after this." He said to me, and I smiled at him.

"I don't think I need any." I said before I managed to get someone off the ship.

"I take everything back, maybe you'll join my crew." He said to me before leaving and I would have to take him up on that offer, I heard the other ship applaud him. We were taken onto the other ship. And just like that this still wasn't over yet.

"Any of you so much as thinks the word 'parley,' I'll have your guts for garters!" He said before Lizzie broke the rope. The ship exploded. Will was still on it.

"You godless pirate!" She shouted before going to attack him and I felt useless.

"Welcome back, miss. You took advantage of our hospitality last time. It holds fair now you return the favor." He said to her, but we didn't owe him a favor, he left us trapped in his ship.

"No!" She screamed and she was pushed into the other pirates and I went under the ropes.

"You leave her alone!" I shouted before he did the same to me.

"Barbossa!" Will shouted he was alive. He okay. "They go free!" He said before pointing a gun at him. I smirked a little bit at this.

"What's in your head, boy?" Barbossa asked him like he didn't believe what was happening.

"They go free." Will said and that wouldn't let us go.

"You've only got one shot, and we can't die." Barbossa said and Will went on the side of the ship again.

"You can't. I can." Will said putting the gun to his neck.

"Who are you?" Barbossa asked him, this is where the truth was finally going to come out.

"No one. He's no one. A distant cousin of my aunt's nephew, twice removed. Lovely singing voice, though. Eunuch." Jack said to Barbossa but I don't think that was going to work at all.

"My name is Will Turner! My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins." Will said to them all, and just like that we were potentially at my danger than before, at least he got it off his chest. But now we'd be on our way back to that god godforsaken cave and who knew if we'd ever get away from there.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now