3.8. One Last Adventure

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I couldn't believe what was happening. Davy was killing Will in front of us. Liz let me go to go to her husband. "Will?" She asked him and I looked at Jack. He needed to make this right. "Look at me! Stay with me! You're all right." She said to him and I looked at him.

"Will, you need to keep your eyes open." I said to him and I saw Bootstrap go for Davy. "Jack, do something." I said to him and I needed him to help out.

"Will? Will? Look at me. Look at me!" Liz said and I crouched in front of him. Jack then came over with the heart. Putting it down and giving the remains of the sword to Will. Forcing a stab through the heart.

"You will not forestall my judgement." Davy said before he stopped. He was going. He started to gasp the last of his life was leaving. "Calypso." He said before he fell overboard. Now we had to hope that this would work.

"Will your going to be okay." I said to him and he had to be. I couldn't let my sister become a widow. Not yet.

"No. No, no. No!" She said as the last of his life began to leave him.

"Part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew. Part of the ship, part of the crew." The crew of the Dutchman said and this was where I stood up.

"Don't leave me." Liz said to him and we pulled her up. She shouldn't watch this. "Don't. No! I won't leave you." Liz said to him and we had go to leave. Go back. The two of us grabbed ahold of Jack.

"Hold on." He said ad he fired his pistol we then went back to the Pearl. Back to what we called home. We watched at the Dutchman went down. Taking Will with it. Who knew if we'd ever see him again. When we landed in the sea we got back aboard the ship.

"Thank goodness, Jack. The armada's still out there. The Endeavor's coming hard to starboard, and I think its time we embrace that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions." Gibbs said and Jack didn't respond. He probably had the same thing as us on our mind.

"Never actually been one for tradition." He said before he walked to the side of the ship. "Close haul her. Luff the sails and lag her in irons." Jack shouted at us all and I looked at Liz. She wasn't doing okay.

"Belay that, or we'll be a sitting duck!" Barbossa shouted but we wouldn't be. We'd be okay.

"Belay that, 'belay that'." Jack shouted to us all.

"But the arma..." Gibbs started and I looked at them.

"Belay. Belay. Stow. Shut it." Jack said and he walked off. I looked into the distance. I then headed over to Liz.

"Do you think we got to him in time?" She asked me and she was meaning Will. I looked at her. I then saw a ship come out the water.

"Yes, we did. Look." I said as the Dutchman revealed herself. He'd become the captain of the ship. Making her way over.

"Full canvas." Jack shouted, we'd had both of the ships together. Fighting as one.

"Aye, full canvas." Barbossa shouted and it was time to end this once and for all. As we approached the Navy. It felt good.

"Fire!" Gibbs shouted and I knew they would be over.

"Fire!" I shouted with a smile.

"Fire!" Barbossa shouted.

"Fire, all!" Liz shouted and that's when the cannons went off. We were taking Beckett down. My statement from earlier had become true. Seeing Beckett's ship getting destroyed was something that I'd remember. He was going down in the best way possible.

"They're turning away!" Someone shouted and I smiled. This was what we needed. We all celebrated. It felt nice to watch over this memory being made. We'd got vengeance for me and Liz's father. And more importantly for Sam.

"Mr. Gibbs." Jack said to him.

"Cap'n?" He asked him.

"You may throw my hat if you like." Jack told him and Gibbs took the hat.

"Aye, aye, cap'n. Hooray!" He shouted and went to go and join the crew. I had no idea where we were heading too. All I know is it was time to send Liz off. She was leaving us.

"Mrs. Turner." Barbossa said and I hugged her as she got to me.

"Stay safe. I miss you already." I said and she moved on.

"Jack. It would never have worked out between us." She said to her and she looked at him.

"I know but I got the better Swann." He said to her with a smile. And she looked at him.

"Thank you." She said as she boarded her ship. She was leaving us. As the times got on. I was preparing myself for my one last adventure. My last because I was pregnant, it was something that I always knew would happen. The day I'd return to land and would only ever be able to join him. My husband. Jack Sparrow back on the seas when this child of ours was grown. But for now I had to do what all good mothers would do. Stay at home. And tell the tales of the adventures I once had. My tales of the seas with the pirates around.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now