2.1. Another Adventure

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I had now been a few years of me being a pirate and those few years things had happened. More importantly Jack and I were now together. Dating. But at this very moment I had no idea where he was and maybe he would never return again. When we saw him arriving I was hoping he had something good to share with us. But he didn't. He had a leg. "Not quite according to plan." Gibbs said as he took it. What would we want with a bone.

"Complications arose, ensued, were overcome." Jack said before he walked away and Gibbs followed. I then went after him.

"Captain, I think the crew, meaning me as well, were expecting something a bit more...shiny, the Isla de Muerta going pear-shaped reclaimed by the sea and with the treasure." Gibbs said to him, we definitely didn't want something bony.

"And the Royal Navy chasing us around the Atlantic." One of the crew said to him.

"And the hurricane." Another member said.

"It's all getting a bit...tiring." I said to him, I was hoping for another adventure not some kind of scavenging round for bones or things like that.

"Aye." The rest of the crew said and I saw Jack give me a look.

"All in all, it seems some time since we did a speck of honest pirating." Gibbs said and Jack went to think for a bit.

"Shiny." Jack said to him and that was exactly what we wanted. Shiny.

"Aye, shiny." Gibbs said and that's exactly what we all wanted.

"Is that how you're all feeling? That perhaps dear old Jack is not serving your best interests as Captain?" He asked and he was serving our best interests. Just minus the shiny things.

"Walk the plank." The parrot squawked and Jack turned his pistol on it.

"What did the bird say?" Jack asked angrily. Who knew he'd get like this.

"Do not blame the bird. Show us what is on that piece of cloth there." Another crew member said and Jack the skeleton monkey swung down. Making Jack shout and me laugh. He fired the gun but it did nothing. He then shot at it again as it ran.

"You know that don't do no good." Gibbs said the monkey had picked up the cloth. It had some value to it clearly.

"It does me." Jack said and someone picked the cloth up.

"It's a key." He said and I looked at him. Funny looking key.

"No. Much more better. It is a drawing of a key." Jack said while showing it to us, that wasn't what we wanted at all. "Gentlemen and Y/n, what do keys do?" Jack asked us and I knew the answer. They unlocked doors, you had to be stupid not to know that.

"Keys...unlock things?" The crew member answered hesitantly.

"And whatever this key unlocks, inside there's something valuable. So we're setting out to find whatever this key unlocks." Gibbs said and that was the most important thing.

"And this key it will unlock what we've all been desiring." I said to them all with a smile, this was finally heading in the right direction.

"No. If we don't have the key, we can't open whatever we don't have that it unlocks. So what purpose would be served in finding whatever need be unlocked, which we don't have, without first having found the key what unlocks it?" Jack asked us and I had to wrack my brain around what all of that meant. None of it made sense at all to me.

"So we're going after this key." Gibbs said to us and that had to be the plan right.

'You're not making any sense at all. Any more questions?" Jack asked and I looked at him. He was the one that wasn't making any sense. Gibbs made clear sense to everything we had a plan.

"So...do we have a heading?" Someone asked and I had a feeling we didn't.

"Ah! A heading. Set sail in a...uh...general...That-way direction." Jack said after he'd wagged his finger in the air. We had no idea where we going and that didn't matter it was a new adventure for us all.

"Captain?" Gibbs asked him and I don't think that would change anything.

"Come on, snap to and make sail. You know how this works. Go on." Jack said before walking away and I had no idea of where to go. We had no heading and that meant that something was going on with Jack. I didn't want to pry him just in case something was wrong but who knew. Maybe I should. I followed after him into his quarters. "My favourite treasure, what can I help you with." He said to me and I sat down at his desk.

"Now my captain, I just want to know if your okay. You seem to be tensed up and I wanted to if things were fine." I said to him as I watched the candle flickers cast it's dancing shadow on the table. I then looked up at him.

"I don't know what people are expecting me to say but I'm fine. No need to worry about me." He said to me and I knew I'd have to report this back to Gibbs. There was need to worry about him. I then went out but saw no crew awake. They were asleep. So I should join. But I didn't sleep in the crews area. Jack never wanted me down there. Only in the Captain's quarters for me. And of course there was that whole reasoning of the two of us being together. How unlikely a pirate and a privileged girl from an island. But that's how life was sometimes especially when it changes the life of me. A girl who hated normal now breaking laws and going against her dad's wishes. Classic Swann moves but I did miss someone. My sister and that was it.

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