1.9. Evacuating paradise.

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Waking up this morning I could smell burning. A fire. I looked up to see Elizabeth had started a fire. My little pyromaniac. Jack and I ran over after the explosion. "No! Not good! Stop! Not good! What are you doing? You've burned all the food, the shade, the rum." Jack said to her as she walked away from her mess.

"Not the rum." I got out, I was going to miss drinking that.

"Yes, the rum is gone." She said to us, why'd it have to go.

"Why is the rum gone?" Jack asked her. I could've believe this.

"One, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. Two, that signal is over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for us. Do you think there is the slightest chance that they won't see it?" She asked us, why'd we have to go home.

"I don't want to go home." I said to her, I hated that place. Nothing good ever came from it.

"But why is the rum gone?" Jack asked and Lizzie plopped herself down on the sand.

"Just wait, Captain Sparrow. Give it one hour, maybe two, keep a weather eye open, and you will see white sales on that horizon." She said and placed myself next to her.

"Well hopefully they do show up." I said to her and Jack went off. Who knew where he was going. Once we were found Dad put us on board. Why did it have to be Dad. Elizabeth went to talk to Dad whilst I walked away. I saw Sam head over to me. "What do you want?" I asked him and he looked at me. Stopping at my hand.

"Where's your ring gone?" He asked me and I looked out at sea.

"Somewhere out there. I lost it." I said to him and he nodded at me.

"We'll get you another one." He said to me and I looked around. Why did he want to keep up with this whole facade. Didn't he want this whole thing to be over with.

"Why do you care about the thing Sam? You want this thing over just like I do." I said to him and he looked at me and went to take my hand. I pulled it back.

"Because maybe I don't want this to be over." He said to me before walking away. Once the moon had raised I was shoved somewhere. I saw I already had a roommate. My own sister.

"They got you as well." She said to me and I folded my arms.

"You could say that. All I know is I'd rather be out in that cave." I said to her and she looked at me like I was crazy. She was probably thinking how could anyone want to do that.

"Why?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"Because I have nothing at Port Royal. I'm in a loveless marriage, only happening to make Father happy. Everything is controlling. Being with those damned pirates made me feel free. Introduced me into a life that I needed. So when this is all over with you can go back to the rich lifestyle we once lived. I'll stay here on the ocean being free to adventure. Go wherever." I said to her and she didn't look like she wanted to argue with me, she looked like she was proud that I was making a stand for myself.

"I'm proud of you. You've finally got your life sorted out but I won't be responsible when it goes down." She said to me and she never would be.

"Elizabeth? Y/n?" Dad asked before knocking on the door. "I just want you to know I, uh, I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you both. But you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision." He said to us and I stopped I had no cards for what he said. All I knew was I wanted off of this ship. That's exactly what we did. We got off of the ship. Commandeered a row boat and started towards the cave. I couldn't believe that we were doing this. But who cared.

"Didn't think you'd be into this life as well?" I asked her with a smile as we kept rowing. But we were heading for the ship.

"I guess I wanted some thrills in my life as well." She said before we got over to the ship.

"Right. Ha! What would you pick to eat first? We should decide now. So we're ready when the time comes." We heard a pirate say as we climbed up. I don't know what I'd pick. Once we got on deck the monkey swung down. Trying to scare us and we accidentally threw him over board. Now we had to hide. Once we got to the hold we saw our lovely crew.

"Miss Elizabeth! Miss Y/n!" Gibbs got out and I looked at him.

"Help has arrived." I said to him with a smile before we started to get them out.

"Well gentlemen, your needed." Elizabeth said as we opened the doors on them. Now it was time for the final battle that battle would destroy all. We'd finally get out of this whole thing and regain the Black Pearl as our own. First the skeletons needed to go down. Then we needed to rescue Will and Jack. Then I'd sail away with Jack and his crew and never return back home again. Well at least for a long while. I needed a whole place to myself. A ship even, see the places I've never seen. Be free for once in my little life. Once we got back on deck we pushed a boat out and knocked two skeletons over the edge. We all cheered. "All of you with us. Will is in that cave, and we must save him! Ready, and heave!" Elizabeth said and she was doing it on her own, that was a bit sad. But never the end.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now