2.7. Heart in a Box

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A heart in a box. Who would've thought that this would be what we'd be in search for. But if this meant that we'd be able to let Will go free. Then that's what we'd look for. Especially since this was for my sisters benefit and not for my own. But I guess it kind of was for my own as well. I had to make sure that he was okay for my sister. Which is why I'd be looking all I could. When the morning arose the crew was cleaning the deck. Every so often I could see Sam look at me. There was something in his eyes. Sadness. That he only had when he saw me. "Beckett?" Gibbs asked us as we looked at a piece of paper.

"Yes, they're signed. Lord Cutler Beckett of the East India Trading Company." Elizabeth said to us.

"This must be important to us." I said to her, it had to be. We could gather information form there.

"Blaah!" Jack got out.

"Will was working for Beckett and never said a word. Beckett wants the compass. Only one reason for that." Gibbs said to us, of course there was. It would lead him to what he wanted most.

"Of course. He wants the chest." Jack said, now we didn't know that for certain. It could be for another reason.

"He did say something about a chest." Elizabeth said to us and I looked at her.

"Hopefully it's not this chest." I said to her, hopefully it wasn't. Otherwise this would get harder for us.

"If the company controls the chest, they controls the sea." Gibbs said to us and that wasn't ideal for us. We needed a plan.

"A truly discomfiting notion, love." Jack said to us, he wasn't happy about any of this.

"And bad. Bad for every mothers son what calls himself a pirate. I think there's a bit more speed to be coaxed from these sails. Brace the foreyard!" Gibbs shouted and I went with him. That was until everything was in place. I looked over the edge. All the way to the water's surface.

"I don't know how you could like it here, there's nothing here for you." I heard a voice say, Sam. But he was wrong. There was things for me here.

"That's where your wrong. There is things for me here. There's adventure. More importantly there's Jack Sparrow." I said to him and he looked at me, he wasn't impressed with the answer. Probably because it involved me wanting my dream life. Without the sense of being on land.

"I wish for a day where we could have a turn around. You'd come back to senses but I know that won't happen for a while now." He said to me before he walked away and it probably would never happen. Let's face it, my senses were all there and were all clear. Nothing could change them.

"Land, ho!" Gibbs shouted and that's when I saw it. The island that we'd be needed on. I was onto a boat with Sam and a few others. Of course I wasn't the one rowing. Once we made it to land I was ready to go hunting for treasure.

"Guard the boats. Mind the tide. Don't touch my dirt." Jack said to Glass eye and his friend as we walked off. Me and Lizzie were together. Following the compass point.

"This doesn't work. And it certainly doesn't show you what you want most." Lizzie said as we both sat down.

"Absolutely useless." I said to him and I wasn't impressed by this.

"Yes, it does. You're sitting on it." Jack said to Lizzie and I. We couldn't be. It had to be further in land.

"Beg pardon?" Lizzie and I asked him.

"Move." He said and he shooed is. It wasn't long until both Sam and Norrington started to dig. Hopefully we'd get to it in time. Soon there was a thud to be heard. A chest. We pulled it up and broke the lock. Only to find letters. Along with another chest. We all listened closely to it. There it was the heart in a box.

"It's real." Lizzie said to us all.

"And we found it." I said to her, now we had to be safe and get it back to the Pearl.

"You actually were telling the truth." Norrington said to us and maybe he was turning his perspective around.

"I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised." Jack said to him and I knew a few people that were.

"With good reason!" I heard a voice say, it was Will. We'd found him as well. That was even better.

"Will! You're all right! Thank God! I came to find you!" Lizzie shouted as she went over to him. They both shared a kiss and I couldn't help but smile at the pair.

"How did you get here?" Jack asked him and I was hoping a story would come out it.

"Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet." Will said to him, I couldn't even imagine that.

"Not so easy, is it?" Jack asked him and it seemed like it would be impossible.

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack." Will said and I raised an eyebrow. It what way, Jack got him into a ship. With the state that Will's in. It wasn't a good time either.

"You do?" Jack asked him confusedly.

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..." Will said to him and there we go. The cat was out of that bag. And just like that. Lizzie would never trust Jack and maybe not me.

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