1.5. Skeleton Crew

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As if we'd be believing that tale. "We hardly believe in ghost stories anymore, Captain Barbosa." Elizabeth said to him.

"We aren't children." I said to him. He looked at us.

"Aye. That's exactly what I thought when we were first told the tale. Buried on an Island of the Dead what cannot be found, except those who know where it is. Find it we did. There be the chest. Inside the gold. We took 'em all! We spent 'em and traded 'em and frittered 'em away on drink and food and pleasurable company. The more we gave 'em away, the more we came to realize the drink would not satisfy. Food turned to ash in our mouths, and all the pleasurable company in the world could not slake our lust. We are cursed men, Miss Turner's. Compelled by greed we were, but now...we are consumed by it." Barbosa said before going over to his monkey. Elizabeth and I looked at each other. We both picked up knives. "There is one way we can end our curse. All the scattered pieces of the Aztec gold must be restored and the blood repaid. Thanks to ye, we have the final piece." He said to us, they had the gold. But no blood to spare.

"And the blood to be repaid?" Elizabeth asked him.

"Surely you can't mean us." I said to him, we were no use to him if we were dead.

"That's why there's no sense to be killing you. Yet." He said to us, we needed to escape. But how on the middle on the ocean. "Apple?" He offered and Elizabeth and I started running to escape. She was grabbed and we both stabbed him. "Im curious. After killing me, what is it you're planning on doing next?" He asked as he took the knives. The rest of the crew were skeletons. Was this the curse. Elizabeth and I screamed and tried to escape. We were separated but still ran. This was horrifying. Barbosa then got us both again. "Look! The moonlight shows us for what we really are. We are not among the living, and so we cannot die. But neither are we dead. For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starvin' to death and haven't died. I feel nothin'. Not the wind on my face, nor the spray of the sea, nor the warmth of a woman's flesh. You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner's. You're in one!" He said to us before drinking it just went through him. We went into the doorway and the doors shut behind.

"We need to go home." I said to her as we held each other and she looked at me.

"Like that will happen." She said to me as we waited everything out.

"I'm sorry, for anything bad I've done." I said to her and she hugged me.

"You could never do anything wrong, you are the best I could've ask for with a sister." She said to me. This was probably our last goodbyes. God, who would've thought it the two Swanns going out after being taken by pirates. Especially when they are a complete crew of skeletons. I for one thought I was just going to be on that terrible island for ever. I guess this whole thing wasn't any better. Maybe something that I needed with a change.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now