2.8. The Pulling Of Cutlasses

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I was as shocked as anyone that Will was here. He'd found us. "What?" Elizabeth got out and she looked at him.

"What?" Jack said and he looked at me, Norrington and Sam.

"...I was reunited with my father." Will said to us and looks like long lost family can be found. Especially on the open waters.

"Oh, well...you're welcome, then." Jack said to him and now it's time for Elizabeth to have her say.

"Everything you said to me, every word was a lie!" Lizzie said to him and they looked at each other. She was right in front of him now.

"Pretty much. Time and tide, love." He said to her before Will started to open the chest. "Oi! What are you doing?" He asked him and I looked at them both. Was this bad.

"I'm going to kill Jones." Will said and that's when he pulled his cutlass on him.

"Can't let you do that, William. 'Cause if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?" Jack asked and it went silent as Will started to stand up. "Now, if you please. The key." Jack said to him. But one clean swipe Will pulled his cutlass out and held it to Jack.

"I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father." He said to us, I wish him live with all of that. "I hope you're here to see it." He said to him. That's when Norrington pulled his out and pointed it at Will. P

"I can't let you do that either. So sorry." Norrington said and that's when Sam pulled his out to Norrington.

"And I can't have you being on the wrong side." He said to him and I then pulled mine out to Sam.

"I can't have you wanting to take Jack." I said to him and he looked at me. He was confused.

"I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." Jack said to Norrington. That's when Norrington then pointed his at Jack. This was getting all confusing. Jack then pointed his at Will.

"Lord Beckett desires the content of that chest. I deliver it, I get my life back." Norrington said to him.

"Ah. The dark side of ambition." Jack told him.

"Oh. I prefer to see it as the promise of redemption." Norrington said and that's when we started to battle.

"Stop it!" Lizzie shouted and that's when they ran but we didn't listen. We all just kept battling each other. I didn't even here her other the clinks of our blades. We all took no notice to world around us at this point. It was like we were fighting in a circle and it was a fair thing either. We then ran into the trees. That was when I stopped. It was getting out of hand now. I'd leave it to the guys. I then ran to try and find Liz. But when I saw a wheel past me. I saw her in the distance. Followed by Davy's crew. I waited for her, Glass Eye and his friend.

"Come on, Run!" He shouted. The chest was then dropped. We didn't even get a chance to grab it. We had to battle for it.

"Sword!" Liz shouted and we the guys threw one at her. During all of this, I was fighting in the middle. Once we regained the chest, we then kept running to the boat. We had to get to the boat. We were fighting these creatures as it went on. I saw the wheel come down to the beach. Jack was already by the boat so it had to be the others. We then regrouped once things had calmed down.

"Leave him lie! Unless you plan on using him to hit something with." Jack said to us and with all of these people surrounding us. Things weren't looking to good for us.

"We're not getting out of this." Liz said to us all and I looked at her.

"You can say that again." I said to her and she was right about that.

"Not with the chest. Into the boat." Norrington said to us and I looked at him.

"We got this." Sam said to me and he was crazy.

"Crazy man." I said to him. He was.

"You're mad!" Liz shouted at Norrington. 

"Don't wait for me." Norrington said before him and Sam ran into the island together.

"I say we respect their final wish." Jack said to us and I looked at him.

"Aye!" We all shouted we then pushed the boat out before getting into it. When Will woke up we were already back in the Pearl. I then went to look around at how everyone was doing. That was until the Duchess came up I ran straight to Jack and Gibbs.

"Lord on high, deliver is." Gibbs said to himself and I nodded.

"Amen to that." I said to him. This was our struggle now.

"I'll handle this, mate." Jack said to him before going over to the side of the ship. Lifting his jar up. "Oi, fishface! Lose something? Eh?" Jack said before he fell down the steps.

"You okay?" I asked him but he was ok.

"Got it! Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. I got a jar of dirt I got a jar of dirt and guess what's inside it?" Jack sang and that was a song alright. That's when I saw the cannon flaps go up. "Hard to starboard." He said to us all.

"Hard to starboard!" Liz and I shouted at the same time.

"Brave up the foreyard!" Will shouted. We had to have a chance.

"Fire!" I shouted at them all after they reloaded the cannons. This wasn't looking to well for us. I was really hoping we could leave the shop behind. And thankfully we lost the Duchess for now.

"They're giving up!" One of the crew shouted and we all cheered. It wasn't long until there was a a shift.

"We must have hit a reef!" Someone shouted. That wasn't a reef.

"It can't be a reef!" I shouted, there was no way.

"No. It's not a reef! Get away from the rail!" Will shouted and he pulled Liz and I away. I then went over to Jack.

"What is it?" Liz asked him.

"The kraken. To arms!" Will shouted, that was just something for us to battle.

"Load guns! Defend the mast!" Gibbs shouted. 

"Get the cannons ready!" I shouted at everyone.

"It'll attack the starboard. I've seen it before. Run out the cannons and hold for my signal!" Will shouted and that's when everyone started to  get into places. We weren't going down.

"Jack, what are you looking for?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"The heart." He said. He then left. We all grabbed our spears. That was as we waited. For the kraken. Once it's tentacles appeared the cannons were fired.

"Pull the grates. Get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold!" Will shouted, I then went to find Jack again. We needed to have him back. Have him fight.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now