3.2. Terrain Change

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As we kept on our venture we'd come to the colder area of the world. As most of the crew was freezing and frozen. I was doing my best to keep warm. One way was by keeping near a lantern fire. When the didn't work Liz and I huddled under a blanket together. When Will come over with the map. He told us the findings. "Do you care to interpret, Captain Barbossa?" He asked him and I looked at Barbossa.

"Ever gazed upon the green flash, Master Gibbs?" Barbossa asked him and Gibbs looked at him.

"I reckon I see my fair share. Happens on rare occasion. The last glimpse of sunset a green Flash shoots up into the sky. Some go their whole lives without ever seeing it. Some claim to have seen it who ain't. And some say..." He started before Glass Eye's friend cut in.

"It signals when a soul come back to this world from the dead." He told us and Gibbs glared at him. "Sorry." He said to him.

"Trust me, young Master Turner. It's not getting to the land of the dead that's the problem. It's getting back." Barbossa said to us and we couldn't on our cold way. That thing that he just said. I wasn't liking that too much. I was hoping that we would be able to get back fine. We then went through an ice cavern, the whole time I was just praying that it wouldn't collapse the whole time. After we'd traveled further we'd made it out the cold. I was sitting with Gibbs and the rest of the crew when we heard Will. He sounded panicked.

"Barbossa, ahead!" Will shouted at him.

"Aye, we're good and lost now." Barbossa said to us.

"Lost?" Liz asked him and I looked at him.

"We're lost?" I asked him, I couldn't believe any of this.

"For certain you have to be lost to find a place as can't be found. Elseways, everyone would know where it was." Barbossa said to us and now this was sounding too good at all.

"We're gaining speed." Gibbs said to us, at least one thing was good.

"Aye." Barbossa got out.

"To stations! All hands to stations! Rudder full. Hard aport! Gather way." Will shouted at us all and I made my way to my station.

"Nay! Belay that! Let her run straight and true!" Barbossa shouted. So what we're we doing. The edge was there. We were going down.

"You've doomed us all." Lizzie said to him.

"Don't be so unkind. You may not survive to pass this way again, and these be the last friendly words you'll hear." Barbossa said to us all. We were done for now.

"Hard aport!" Liz shouted and I grabbed onto something.

"Hold on!" Will shouted. That was when we started falling. It was something that was unreal. As these moments of free falling started it felt like everything was in slow motion. Although it wasn't. I was thinking about all my loved ones. But of course most importantly how I'd never get the chance to do something as daring as this. This would never happen ever again. It was a rare thing. And with rarity you have to take everything as your last no matter what.

Swan Song // Jack Sparrow X Reader // Pirates Of The Caribbean ✔️Where stories live. Discover now