3.6. Meetings Adjourned

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As this fight was only going to continue. I knew that it wouldn't calm down anytime soon. Let's just say the only way it stopped was when Barbossa fired his pistol. "It was the First Court what imprisoned Calypso. We should be the ones to set her free. And in her gratitude, she will see fit to grant us boons." He said to them all as he was talking whilst standing on the table.

"Whose boons? Your boons? Utterly deceptive twaddle-speak, says I." Jack said as he helped Barbossa down from the table.

"If you have a better alternative, please, share." He told us all and I looked at him.

"Cuttlefish. Aye." Jack said and I have never been more confused. "Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish. Flipping glorious little sausages. Pen them up together, they'll devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn't it? Or...or fish nature. So yes, we could hole up here well-provisioned and well-armed. Half of us would be dead within the month. Which seems quite grim to me any way you slice it. Or...uh...as my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we pretend she's anything other than a woman scorned like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio. We are left with but on option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth...Captain Swann. We must fight." Jack said to us all doing his spiel. And he was right at some points.

"You've always run away from a fight." Barbossa said to him and that was right on some occasions.

"Have not." Jack said to him.

"Have so." Barbossa said back.

"Have not." Jack said to him.

"Have so." He said back.

"Have not!" Jack shouted back to him.

"You have so, and you know it." Barbossa said to him and I was on Barbossa's side here.

"Have not. Slander and calumny. I have only ever embraced that oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. I submit that here and now that is what we all must do: we must fight...to run away." Jack said and that was proving Barbossa's point. Running away.

"Aye!" Gibbs shouted going along with Jack's plan.

"Aye!" Everyone else shouted. Bunch of cowards.

"As per the code, an act of war, and this be exactly that, can only be declared by the pirate king." Barbossa said and that's when Jack pointed a finger at him.

"You made that up." Jack said to him. I didn't know if it was real or not.

"Did I, now? I call on Cap'n Teague, keeper of the code." Barbossa said and that's when Jack looked nervous.

"Sri Sumbhajee proclaims this all to be folly! Hang the code. Who cares a...?" Another lord shouted and that was when a gunshot could be heard. He was shot and killed. We then looked to see where the shot came from.

"Code is the law." The pirate said and that's when people who could, sat down. He then walked over to Jack. "You're in my way, boy." He said before he made a signal. His crew came in with something. It was a book. The code. He then whistled. Our old friend of the dog came in.

"That can't...How did..." Glass Eye started saying.

"Sea turtles, mate." He said and the dog barked.

"Sea turtles." Glass Eye's friend said. The book was opened and he started to read the code.

"Ah. Barbossa is right." He said to us all and I wanted to smile but couldn't.

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