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As we walked in, I felt Natasha's eyes follow me, sending a shiver down my spine. I just lied about liking this guy so her relationship with Clint wouldn't fall out. The worst part is, it is so close to.
"So, shall we get started?" Harrison asked, grinning at us like a little school boy. Aww, I made him happy.

Collapsing on my bed, I groaned at Darcy. "Gah, I'm so freaking tired." She laughed and flicked me a croissant. I caught it mid-air and hungrily took a bite of it. "How long will you be here for?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "Jane was taking Erik out for lunch, ya know, trying to get rid of his crazy, so they'll be gone for a while. I only need to be back before them." I nodded. Darcy had snuck out from Jane's lab on the other side of London just to visit me, even though I told her not to do. That's what made me like her so much: rebellious, and kind of like me.
"How's the intern?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. Her and the intern, I can't remember his name, had a thing during the convergence, or so I heard, since I wasn't really there for it. I was probably serving some random in my diner.
Wow. I haven't thought about the diner in ages. I guess that now that I am an agent, I completely forgot about my diner. I wonder what it looks like now? Would there be layers upon layers of dust? What if someone broke in and stole - oh wait, no, Fury gave me my money, so that wouldn't happen.
Suddenly, there was a fast movement close to my face and I jumped back, holding a gun out. Instant reaction. "Sorry Dar. I guess I just kind of zoned out?"
She chuckled nervously and stared at the gun that was pointed at the very middle of her forehead. "Could you - uh?" I nodded and replaced the gun underneath my dress, in the thingy that was strapped to my leg. Like a boss.
"As I was saying, Ian is good. He took me out to the movies the other night, and we threw popcorn at the people in front of us." She said, laughing as she told me.
I laughed too, throwing my head back. "I wish I could've been there to see their faces." Darcy nodded, agreeing with me. "We got kicked out, but it was so worth it. When you're done with this whole 'mission' thingy, we have to have some fun around London."

"Did I just see Darcy leave?" Natasha asked, coming into my bedroom. I awkwardly shuffled on the couch to look at her. "Uhhh, maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe." I really drawled it out, not really wanting to tell her.
She just nodded and sat herself down on the other couch. Why was there only two?
"So, about earlier today, with you and Harrison: I thought you didn't like him, and then you two start being all mushy and weird - yes, I saw you two." She said, frowning slightly.
I shrugged my shoulders. "So what? Maybe I do like him and I didn't want to tell you. But then I just did and - and"
"Oh shut it. I don't know exactly why, but I do know that you did lie about liking him. I saw it in the way you hesitated everytime he even spoke to you. It showed too clearly."
Leaning back, I shut my eyes and sighed. "Do you think he noticed?" Natasha was silent for a few seconds. "No, your hesitation was pretty small, but just big enough for me to recognize it."
"Why did you lie to me?"
I opened my eyes and looked into her green/blue ones. "I - I thought that if you liked Harrison, it could jeopardize the relationship you have with Clint. I care about you, and I didn't want that happening."
"So you went and lied to me? Why didn't you just tell me that damn truth?!" She screamed, jumping up and storming out of the room in her Natasha way.
"Oh God, why is she so difficult?" I groaned, leaning into my hand and shaking my head.

~ Two Days Later ~
Natasha's P.O.V.
Staring out at the green expanse that lay underneath my window, I sighed. My fight with Avallone still hadn't been resolved; I was still furious at her, and couldn't stand being in the same room with said person, unless we were forced too.
The people working at the house are starting to get worried. We need to work together, or say they say. I mean, we don't really need to. It could be arranged that she is sent home and I continue with the mission, alone. But, I knew that's not what Fury wants.
And, I saw wants because he is still alive, despite all the things people are saying. Rogers and I saw him when we were called in to help him.
My mind played back the mission I did a few weeks ago. I had met one of the most important people in Roger's life, and it turned out that he didn't even remember the poor guy. Poor Rogers.
We sent him with Steve to the tower to be 'remade'. The guy needs to be adjusted to this generation, and he needs to forget his assassinating ways, which would be very hard for him; it's drilled into his brain.
He was slowly remembering Rogers, which was good, but he was also having reoccurring nightmares, which resulted in Rogers being put into danger everytime he tried to calm down his best friend.
Some relationship.
It's probably better than Avallone and I's at the moment though. We haven't talked to each other, let alone seen each other in days. She hasn't even really left her room.
I sighed, and finally knocked on the door I had been standing at for over ten minutes. From inside, I heard Avallone call, "Come in, unless it's Natasha." Oh, come on! How else are we going to sort it out?
With a slight shake of the head, I pushed the door open and stepped into the room. Now, I'll just have to let her yell at me.

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