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I'm dedicating this chapter to @thundersheild

After what seemed like an eternity, Sam walked through the front door with lunch in hand and a smile upon his handsome face.
"Just one look at you tells me you've been bored out of your mind, though I see you've been watching some TV," he said, setting down the greasy fast food on the coffee table. The oily smell wafted into the air and my stomach growled.
"Yeah, it's funny," was my only reply as I eyed the food hungrily.
He laughed and pushed it towards me before indulging in his own.


"Wait, you're leaving again?" I shrieked as I followed Sam to the front door. He was dressed in black pants with a grey top and a brown leather jacket, and a black bag that looked reasonably weighty slung across his shoulder.
"I have to Avvy. S.H.I.E.L.D. wants me to come in and train for a while everyday, so I'll be gone most afternoons," he explained, kneeling down to tie his shoelaces.
I frowned. "Then what am I going to do while I'm here?"
"I don't know, find a job, make a friend, throw some stones at some pigeons," he said with a shrug before walking out the door and closing it behind him.
Great. I was back to my state of utter boredom.


I walked along the streets of the town I was staying in, which I wasn't even too sure what it was called. I didn't pay too much attention when it came to names, and it didn't really matter anyway.
My brown eyes scanned the town square for any 'Help Wanted' signs. Quickly, I found one at a café, and walked towards it. In my folder, and from what I have heard, I used to own my own diner.
"Hello, what can I get you today?" A young man, probably around nineteen, judging by his pimply face, asked me.
"A job," I replied with a courteous smile.
The boy, who's name tag told me was called Eric raised his eyebrows and called out behind him.
"Eli, there's an applicant here for the job!"
I cowered away into my shoulder and glanced around the room. The customers weren't happy with the way he was shouting either.
"Hey kiddo, try not shouting, otherwise your customers will start to leave," I advised as the bell above the door jingled and a couple walked out.
He frowned and nodded.
"So, you're our applicant? Take a seat over here and we will get to talking," the man, whose name must be Eli said as he guided me over to one of the empty tables.
"Would you like a coffee or something to eat while you're here?" He asked, gesturing to the menu.
I glanced down and scanned the piece of laminated paper.
"Yeah, just a mochachino, thanks," I ordered with a smile that was directed towards a waitress that had popped up out of nowhere. Her name was Poppy.
"So, tell me all the general facts about you, miss . . ."
"Avallone," I quickly filled in for him. "My name is Avallone Clancy and I am 26, no 27 years old. I used to own my own diner back in New York, but I did some shuffling, actually quite a lot of shuffling and now I'm here."
He smiled and quickly jotted down what I said.
"I don't know why I need to say this, but I feel it would just be better to tell someone here, but I was recently, or mildly recently, was in a plane crash and lost a lot of my memory. It has been coming back every now and then, but I'm still struggling. Sometimes I get dizzy spells or my head will hurt too much and I just need to sit down for like five minutes and then I'm good to go again." I took a deep breath and glanced up at Eli.
He looked at me thoughtfully, before tucking the pen behind his air and smiling widely at me.
"You're hired."


"Here's your coffee, miss," the waitress that was called Poppy said as she handed me two sugar capsules, a spoon and my coffee.
"Thank you," I replied with a smile.
"So, this plane crash, was anyone injured or was there any deaths?" Eli asked me, watching me stir the sugar into my coffee.
I frowned and thought back to when Natasha had told me about the crash. She said the pilot had gotten out safely, but a hazy memory told me that wasn't the case.
"Uhhh, well I was on a private jet with my best friend, and just the pilot. The pilot died, I think and I was hospitalized but my best friend came out pretty much unscathed."
Eli frowned. "You seem angry about the pilot dying. Was this person a friend or something?"
"No, I don't think so," I said, shaking my head. "It's just that Natasha, my best friend told me he came out just fine, but I know she lied to me."
I looked up and watched him for a few seconds. "I just realized I am blabbing on about myself but I have no clue who you are, except that your name is Eli."
Said person smiled and stood up, "Maybe I want it that way. You start work tomorrow at 7. I'll see you then."


"Hey Avallone, how are you? Okay, so I found this place that is hiring and -"
"No need," I said, cutting Sam off as he hung up his coat. "And I'm good, how are you?"
He nodded and frowned. "I thought you were bored though and wanted a job. Wait, you didn't actually throw some stones at any pigeons today, did you?"
"No, but that does sound fun. I got a job." I smirked and sat down, mentally planning to go gather some stones for some quality time with the pigeons.
"What? Where? That was fast!" He said all in one breath.
I laughed and started to make myself a drink. "At some café I found in the town square. It's cute and I was hired after I told them I had experience and whatnot. Drink?"
"Yes please, and they just hired you, out of the blue?" Sam asked, suddenly suspicious.
I nodded as the realization started to set in. "Now that I think about it, it's kind of weird."
"Kind of? Its very weird. I don't want you working there."
I pouted as I handed him his drink. "Oh come on Sam! You wanted me to get a job, and now you won't even let me work at the one I got all on my own. Your starting to sound like the father I don't remember."
Suddenly, he stared laughing. "Actually, I think you'll be fine."

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