Chapter 1

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A building collapses and an explosion of glass bursts into the air, deafening my hearing, bringing a thud to echo through the remaining buildings standing; an ash cloud forms in its place before a fire erupts on the other side of the street. Civilians are screaming and children have crawled on the ground and are trying as hard as they can with their minuscule hands to block the sounds from entering their tiny ears. A few blocks away a cloud of fire forms in the sky and everyone turns to face the expanding cloud; it explodes- into thin air shattering the buildings surrounding.

People are screaming louder than they were, a child has crawled up against a silver car- his hands covering his face and with his knees tucked into his chest, his blonde hair now full of ash and burned at some ends.

The car explodes and all I see are his blue eyes awakening looking into my eyes, full of innocence and pain, he is the last thing I see before my vision is wiped from me. I reach out to where my memory was of him but all I manage to grasp is a handful of air, I feel myself fall to the ground and bash my head on a curb before feeling myself become unconscious.

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