The school appears as we turn the corner, the courtyard is scattered with groups of students huddled together as they walk inside. "Well, uh, have fun at school" My Dad says whilst scratching the back of this neck "Yeah, thanks" I smile as I swing out of the car. I watch as the silver car drives off down the street without a second look back. "Students, it is now 8am you must now enter the school" The speaker barks, the remaining groups of students rush inside, I quickly jog across the court and burst through the doors.
The hall has been littered with paper balls, textbooks and of course the long lost stationary items that students have so carelessly looked after. A small girl with a handful of textbooks bumps into me, knocking me to the side; "Sorry" I scoff loud enough for only me to hear, she continues walking as I scramble to History class before the second bell goes.
I instantly twist the door knob and step inside as the second bell goes, rushing to a seat in the middle before Mr. Belgen quotes rather dramatically; 'How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.' -Abraham Lincoln. The class begins quite instantly as Mr. Belgen babbles on about what that means to us; the period passes in a blur and before long I'm rushing down the crowded hallway to science.
Kids push past me running to gym class, one boy turns around and apologizes before running into the gymnasium. I start to daydream half-way though science when the class is mid-way in a discussion about chemical reaction I think it was.