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All i do is think of you

Day and night, that's all I do

I can't get you off my mind

Think about you all the time

All the time

-B5 x All I Do-


-One Week Later-


With talent comes a frustrating feeling of not knowing where you want to take your specific piece next. Writers get writers block, dancers get stumped on what their next move is and artist, get creative block. I hate having creative block because It could take me weeks to finish a piece if I'm not motivated correctly.

Sighing, I took the half smoked blunt and lit it, bringing it to my lips. I don't smoke often but weed gets the creative juices flowing and calms my demons. I take my art seriously and if some weed can help me, why not smoke it?

"Do I smell that loud pack?" I heard from the front door. Reek sure does use his spare key like he lives here so I'm not surprised that it's him.

Rolling my eyes at my loud friend, I sat my art supplies down and left my spare room, making sure to lock it. I don't like people all in my business and Reek is a nosy person.

"Why do you insist on barging in here all the time?" I asked leaning on the wall.

"Why would you give me a spare key if you didn't want me to barge in?" He asked holding two bags in his hands. "Plus, I bought food for your broke ass."

"First off, ya daddy and second, I gave you that key for emergencies only." I said grabbing the bag out of his hands.

"Are you really my best friend or do you keep me around because you're lonely? I won't be mad if that's the case." He said giving me the side eye.

"If I was lonely, I would simply get a pet but why, when I already have one." I joked watching his facial expression change.

"You are mean Hayes. Here I am being the nice best friend that I am bringing Tai food to my hungry lonely friend and I can't even get a simple thank you." He said shaking his head. "Niggas man."

I laughed and dapped him up. "Thanks bro."

I inhaled the smoke before passing it to Reek. He gladly took the blunt and sat on my couch. "So what's up bro? Haven't spoken to you since we went out last week. Deadass thought you were dead."

"I've been trying to finish this piece for the longest but the motivation just isn't there." I sighed sitting down next to him. "It's like something is missing but I don't know what."

"Easy, pussy." He smirked passing me a plastic fork and my drink.

I glared at him and shook my head. "Pussy is not the answer for everything Reek."

"Who told you that? Who is out here spreading lies in these streets?" Reek asked dramatically looking around.

I chuckled. "Pussy might be the answer to your problems but I got bigger fish to fry. I have a deadline and if I don't meet it, I could get dropped from my internship."

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