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Fucking Robitussin

I don't know why this shit got me lazy right now

Can't do Percocets or Molly

I'm turning one tryna live it up here

right right right

-Under The Influence X Chris Brown-



"Bro what did her face look like when he said no entry? I wish you took a picture." Tyreek laughed shaking his head.

I grinned watching his amusement. "She was pissed I could tell but she held her composure."

"I can't believe Cyrus played along. Thats my boy right there!" Tyreek laughed.

I placed the Xbox controller on the table and sighed. "Please don't do that agin, Aaliyah kept bringing it up all weekend."

Aaliyah is cool peoples but she is clingy. She wanted to be up under me 25/8 which was odee. I had to convince her to go home on Sunday so I could focus. I just really wanted me time.

"Thats what you get for allowing her to stay the weekend. I'm surprised she didn't take your virginity." He said laughing.

I playfully shoved him and chuckled. "She can't take something I don't have. I lost my virginity in high school."

"It renews every year, so does your body count." Tyreek said in a 'Duh' tone.

I shook my head. "Aaliyah didn't take my virginity, So we're good."

"What happened when she came in and saw Jade?" He smirked.

I shrugged. "Nothing, Jade just left after Aaliyah came over."

"She clear up the fiancé thing?"

"There was nothing to clear up, we're just friends." I said watching Reek's facial expression change.

"Just friends my ass." He said shoving me. "You like her."

"I know and trust me it's hard not liking her in that way but she got me whipped." I said sighing.

"Thats why these romantic niggas don't win. You want a girl and she just plays you like guitar strings." Reek said shaking his head.

"She's not playing with my emotions, it's my fault." I admitted.

Jade made it clear that she's taken which I respect. I just can't seem to let that just be that. I want her bad and it sucks. Everyday, I catch myself thinking about her or seeing her smile in my head. I got it bad.

"Well if you want me to get Daija to knock her ass out, just let me know. I'll be damned if my best friend out here stuck on stupid."

"Daija will hurt that girl." I laughed. "It's cool thanks bro."

A knock on the door caused both of us to look towards it.

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