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Too many bottles of this wine we can't pronounce
Too many bowls of that green, no lucky charms
The maids come around too much
Parents ain't around too much
Too many joyrides in daddy's jaguar
Too many white lines and white lies
Super rich kids with nothing but loose ends
Super rich kids with nothing but fake friends

-Super Rich Kids x Frank Ocean-



-Ameriee's Downtown Office Building-

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-Ameriee's Downtown Office Building-

The artistic creativity surrounding these walls wasn't something you'd expect in such a formal business setting. Ameriee's building was 12 stories high, with her office being at the top floor.

"What does moms do that she needs a 12 story building?" Tyreek asked, shifting his sun glasses.

Tyreek insisted we wore sun glasses to look more "men in blackish" or whatever that means.

"Who knows." I shrugged walking through the metal detectors.

The outside did the inside no justice. Bright colors were plastered all over the walls in a design almost. I was at awe looking at the different designs come together and make sense.

"Hello, we're here to see moms." Tyreek said smiling at the receptionist.

"Moms?" The lady asked, raising her eyebrow.

I nudged Tyreek and cleared my throat. "Um, Ameriee Galloway? I have an 8am appointment."

"Oh Casimir Hayes." The receptionist smirked. "Ameriee has told us a lot about you. She's expecting you, elevators to your left."

"Thanks." I smiled walking towards the elevator.

"Omg Casimir, fuck me right here on this receptionist desk." Tyreek teased in a high pitch girly voice.

"Hush." I chuckled.

When we made it to the top floor, we were met with a very familiar face.

"Well if I knew this was the meeting you were going to, we could've car pooled." Raymond smirked.

"What are you doing here Ray?" Tyreek asked, looking surprised.

"Had to have a little out of jail meeting with my favorite Galloway." He smiled, fixing his suit.

"You know the Galloways?" I asked shocked they have crossed paths before.

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