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This burning love I never seen before

And I don't know, if I can handle it anymore

Just would you let me know

I can't take heartbreak for so long

Yea baby, won't you let me know

Cause i'm still stuck on you

-Enchanted Waterfall x Tory Lanez-


-The next day-



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"Hello honey." My mom cheerfully yelled through the screen.

I mentally rolled my eyes and put on my best fake smile. "Hey ma."

My mom has been blowing up my phone all day which pulled my focus from what I'm doing later with Jade. I just wanna take a deep dive into her mind, you know, get to know my friend better.

"How are you son?" My my mom smiled, exposing her deep dimples.

"I'm ok, how is Karisma?" I asked.

My mom passed the phone and my sister was on the screen. I smiled, I love my little sister. "Hey sis, how you doing?"

"I'm good, I miss you mir." Karisma pouted.

"I'll ask your dad if it would be cool for you to come visit me for two weeks." I said watching a smile grow on her face.

"Omg! Please mommy, can I go?" She asked bouncing up and down.

"We'll have to check with your father." She said giving me a fake smile.

"Oh yay!" Karisma said jumping off the couch. "I'll talk to you later Cas! I love you."

I chuckled. "I love you too sis." Once I noticed she left the room, I sighed. "I see you're getting Karisma more often."

"Yea, her father is actually working with me on custody." She said causing me to nod. "We alternate weeks now."

"Good for you, is that all you wanted?" I cleared my throat.

She scoffed and shook her head. "Casimir I'm trying here."

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