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The whole WICKED was quiet that time.

A news from the staff from the other building was brought to everyone. It stated that all the creators had died. The reason was left unsaid.

Thomas and Teresa had been so busy lately. Eversince that announcement in the cafeteria, they hadn't been able to chill and hang for awhile.

Minho guessed that they're training few others that are still alive. He thinks that the the two are willing to still continue the trials without the original creators.

Meanwhile, everyone was all bored. Training had been canceled for almost two months now. All they can do is eat and sleep. Some are complaining that they gained weight.

"It's not the cafeteria's fault" Said Skylar. She, Newt, and Minho were resting at this underconstructed pool lounge. It was a circular room, which the walls are made of glass windows. There wasn't a pool yet. All there is was a sofa, which they are currently resting in.

She continued. "We barely have any food supplies left since export and import of materials is temporary banned. So it's not our fault."

"Don't worry only Frypan blame's ya' guys," Newt answered. "I'm guessin' he just wants to be in your positions"

"He'll get his shot. Who knows, maybe he'll be a shucking good cook in the maze." Minho joined in the conversation. "Meanwhile who do you think will be the new counselor? It's obvious that they're making a replacement since they confirmed that counselor Michael was one of the officials that had died."

"I've heard that he's such a good lad." Newt said as he leaned his back on Skylar's shoulder. She was between him and Minho. "I think Paige would be a bloody good replacement."

"I'm not close to either of them." Skylar tied her hair into a ponytail. "Paige seems nice. Well I'm just hoping it's not Rat Man."

The two boy's laughed. She raised her eyebrow wondering what made this two laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Rat Man?" Minho patted her back a little too hard. "If I'm not mistaken, it's Janson?"

Newt joined in and patted her back harder. She gave the both of them a glare. "I guess so Minho. I mean that guy looks like a bloody rodent!"

They both started patting her back again. She got annoyed and jumped out of her seat. "Would you two quit it!"

Newt stood up and squeezed her cheeks. "You look so cute when ya' angry." Her cheeks were blushing behind his hands. She slapped his hand off and sat back to the couch.

"Shut up Newton" She gave him a fake glare. Which was returned by a smirk from Newt.

Minho folded his arms and stared at both of his friends. "You both look cute together aw!" He started poking Newt's side.

Thunder and lighting suddenly clashed out of nowhere. Soon it was sequeled by rain.

All of them freezed as the continues event happened.

Skylar broke the silence. "I guess it's good to have rain. I mean we hadn't experienced it for almost a year now."

Newt plopped down the couch. "I'm just hopin' it's not a bloody storm" He was watching the raindrops from the windows. Some of the vegetation in the place are already green. A few are still recovering. Water dripping and removing their thirst.

They heard the glass door behind them open. All of them looked back at the same time. Seeing Harriet stepped inside.

"I don't mean to interrupt but" She paused switching her glances at the trio. "We have a new kid. Literally a kid."

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