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It wasn't her bruises and scars on her body. It wasn't the cuts on her face. Nor her hair that was tossed into different directions. It wasn't her sick apperance that made her a

Monster. "Monster"

It was deep inside this beaten up flesh. I don't know who am I anymore. I killed more than two people here already. My mind is starting to be filled with evil thoughts and schemes. And I'm violent as ever. But most of all I left him out there on a rampage. Just to save myself. Wow Skylar.


Wait how did he-

Before she could even finish her thought, Mini Ratman smashed the mirror on her left shoulder. Causing tiny fractals of glass to pierce her.

She screamed in pain and placed her hand on top. But immediately released it went she touched the shattered pieces of glass.

She got on her knees and felt tears on her eyes. It shucking hurts. And the puoring rain that was dripping on her fresh wound made it worst.

That's when she actually started crying.

"Janson was right. You are weak." The man infront of her stated. Judging her with disgust.

Janson? Wait so they know each other. She ignored the pain and looked at him straight in the eye. "How did you know my name and Janson's?"

Mini Ratman made a sarcastic bow and coughed a little. "Oh sorry for the rude approach. Allow me to formally introduce myself-"

"Go straight forward you weasel!" She made a threatening look. Even if she knew that she couldn't attack with her arms.

"Oh feisty" He laughed a little. "I'm Jason. Janson's younger brother and I work for the transportation of munies team for WICKED."

So that's why you both look like weasel's. But what does transportation of munies mean? "Transportation of Munies for WICKED?"

Jason laughed and plucked out a glass particle on her shoulder.

"Uh" She flinched at his actions and almost attacked him. But her pain hindered her action.

"I'll go straight forward Skylar. I kidnap munies for the trials." Trials? But isn't all the trials finish? He noticed her confusion. Jason snapped a finger. "There's a high chance that the first batch, which is your friends wouldn't get the exact calculations for the cure. So they're restarting and doing another one. Which involves taking every munie away from their homes, families, and lives just to get that pathetic cure."

She was annoyed on how calmly he said it. New trails? Kidnapping? Will wicked ever stop their bullshit!

"And what about you?" He extended his arm to pluck out another piece of glass. But she bit him forcefully.

"What the?!" He pulled it away and stared at the bitemarks on his hand.
Skylar didn't speak. The only reason why she bit the guy, was she was sick of him. And WICKED.

"I didn't expect that from you." He brushed his hands on his pants. "Tell me, why are you here, child? If I were to ask, you're a lucky one to be not part of the first trials."

"Why should you know?" She spat. Literally. Her saliva flew and landed on his cheek.

Anger started to consume her. There was so much hate that she has for WICKED and this man. That it made her into someone else.

"Is it because of him?" He made a mocking grin. A grin that says: 'I-found-your-soft-spot'

Her face fell a bit. And Newt was back on her mind. I'm helping him to keep his sanity but I'm the one that was loosing mine.

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