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It took a couple minutes for her to realize that she was awake. And another to realize about her memory-dream. And lastly, another minute to recall what happened before she blacked out.

It felt weird. Her body didn't ache anymore. And she felt good as new.

"Uhm hi?"

Her thoughts were pushed off by Newt's hand, waving at her face. She blinked a few times before moving her head.

Newt moved a few inch away from her and sat at the damp and muddy floor.

"What happened?" She tried to sit up.

"I should be the one askin' that" Newt let out a small laughter. "Also, I took a bliss last night from your pocket. If you don't mind?"

"Not at al-" Before she could finish her sentence, her left shoulder collapsed as she put her weight on it, while sitting. Then she felt the pain and remembered what happened to it.

She twisted her head to the left and saw a piece of cloth wrapped around it.

"Don't worry I plucked out all the tiny buggin' bits. And did a lil' treatment." Newt said proudly while he came close and supported her arm.

"Aw thank you" He offered her his hand to stand up. Which she gladly took with her uninjured hand.

"Woah" His eyes fell on her hair. "That's a crazy shuckin' hairdoe I must say!" The bliss is making him calm and I guess normal.

"Don't ask how I got it." She snorted. Newt moved around her observing her hair. Whem suddenly, he stopped at her back.

"Uhm Skylar." She twisted back and saw Newt flushing. He's so cute. "You have a- uhm you know. That thing girls get. You know."

"Oh" She flushed at first then started laughing. "You look so cute"

"I bloody am" He stuck his tongue out and started walking. "C'mon, I know where you'll get tampons. It's at a few rings away from 'er and it's inside of those broken vendin' machines."

Skylar nodded and hopped to catch up with him. "Hey, how did you find me anyway? And why?" She tried to bring up an actual conversation with him. Since he seems to be in his 'lucid moment'.

"Well I heard your screams. And I thought you were havin' some trouble and I tried to find 'ya. Why are you bein' chase by those shanks anyway?" He ask.

Oh boy. Lying time. "First of all, I started the riot. Then they all thought that I was immune because I didn't want to do the test, and started to chase me with those devices. And God, I hate those needles. So when they tested me, I got all crazy because of the pricks and I really don't know what came over." I told half of the truth! She mentally laughed.

"Oh. Actually, I don't really know what came over me too last night. I started attackin' those guards at the Central Zone and I don't know. But all I remember was findin' you." He placed his hand on her right shoulder. "Skylar, can I be bloody honest with ya'?"

She nodded. "Go on" A smile crept on her face. They were having an actual and normal conversation. Just like before.

"Somehow you look utterly familiar. I don't know. It seems like I saw before but my previous mem'ry is all gone. So how should I know? And it feels like I needed to protect ya'. Shank, you're the only bloody person I trust in this place." He gave a sly smile.

"Woah" That was the only word that came out of her. She traced her head to get a good response. But there was nothing. Then something came up. I mustn't say anything connected about the past or WICKED. "Ofcourse I trust you too. I mean, I wouldn't share the bliss just too someone. And you don't always have to protect me. I'm shuckin' strong."

"I saved your pretty lil'ass more than four times if I'm not mistaken." He chuckled in his low toned voice. "But I got'ta give'et to you. You did show a lot of improvement since the first time I saw ya'. You looked like a scared kitty at that corner back then. But looked at what happened to you now. You're takin' down armed guards. You're scary."

She let out a laughter. "I'm not that scary, Isaac." She mentally slapped herself. Isaac? He might wonder how you knew the origin of his name.

"I guess that's the only positive effect of this buggin' disease. " Luckily, he didn't wonder. "It makes us crazies strong."

Silence came towards them for more than two minutes. All they did was walk and kicked the trash and avoid puddles below them. Somehow the whole place was quite.

"Anyway" Newt broke the silence. "We're almost near that vendin' machine. It's just a ring away from 'er. You'll find bathroom stalls behind it."

"Sounds good" She nodded.

"Also, I'll be leavin' you when we get'er. Jarvis will be needin' me back at that bowlin' alley. We need to make a final plan for the breakout later. I just wan'na make sure your alright before I go 'er." He smiled.

Skylar almost forgot about the breakout. Her mind was too occupied about Newt and her life here. "Oh. I didn't notice that it was today."

"Yeah. But you know what?" He stopped infront of the vending machine. "Even with all the danger, the shoutin', and the violence around us. This place seems like home"

"Not that I want to be 'er forever, but there's somethin' bout' this place that makes me feel like it. Like it's somehow comfortin'. I don't know why or who or what makes this place like that. I guess I'll call this wonderland."

"Mhm" She nodded and gave him a smile. "I have to agree with you, this place is starting to feel like home for me too." And the only reason is because you're making me feel like it.

Newt went right infront of her. He ran his fingers through her hair and gave a smile. He's still the Newt I saw last two years ago. A smile crept on her face.

He took a step back and pointed at the vending machine. "There ya' go greenie! I'll be on my way now. Oh wait."

He pulled out a bloody dagger from his pocket and cleaned it up with his shirt. "I saw this on the shuckin' street yesterday. I think it was yours." Then he handed the thing to her. "Use it for self defense. But if you need my help, just scream my name" He threw his arms up in the air and started walking.

"Sure! I'll see you later" She waved at him, and he waved back with a smirk. Then he started running towards the Central Zone. His limp so noticeable.

Skylar placed the dagger on her pocket and she grabbed one tampon, then got inside in one of the wooden stalls.

After putting it on, she sat down at the corner of the narrow stall to process everything that had happened.

First, we had a decent and normal conversation. It's like he was the same guy which I talked and enjoyed my days with before the trials started. Then he said that he trust me. Although I'm not so sure if that's sincere or it's the effect of the Bliss. Lastly, I think he remembers me.

She perfectly knew that she can't keep her little pretending to-be-a-crank game forever. Someday he'll have to know. Or better yet, like what she wanted, is for him to remember. Even if the chances are low. And almost impossible.

But right now, she needs to focus on the fact that things are changing again. The breakout might lead this thing into something better or worse. And also, might bring Newt into something better or worse.

"Could you shanks hurry it up." Her thoughts were cut off by a voice outside. A very familiar voice.

No way. She got on her knees and peeped on a small hole on the right side. Where the voice was coming from.

Her mouth flew open at what she saw.

Minho, Brenda, Jorge, and Thomas.

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