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"I hope you'll get bloody tall after the trials, Sky!" Newt chuckled as he held her apron above his head.

On the other hand, Skylar was helplessly reaching for it. "Give it back Isaac! Frae or Ratman might see us and we're both dead."

Newt suddenly did a spin and started playing with the apron. As is it was a ball. He started to do spinmoves and crossovers. Finally dunking it on Skylar.

"Your such a dork!" She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Newt wrapped his arms around her shoulder and started sniffing her hair.

Two months left before the maze trails. Everything has been organized and set-up. WICKED is just giving the subjects a time to rest and prepare. Also they're srill adding some finishing touches to the whole experiment.
It all ready had sink in to her about their remaining time left together. And even though they already had talked about it and agreed to make a lot of memories to talk about after the whole trials, the thought of him forgetting her still aches.

"I'm gonna miss this smell." Newt said. "Since all I'll smell inside the maze is sweat and dirt!"

"Guess you'll fit in well! Pew!" She sniffed his armpit and made a disgusted look. But deep inside her, she knows that Newt's smell was quite addictive.

"Hey!" He playfully inserted her head inside her armpit.

Skylar struggled to get away and squeezed his nose. "Do you know what's the first thing that I'll do when I see you after the trials?"

Newt raised his eyebrow. She chuckled. "I'll ran up to you and-?"

"Kiss me?" A smile crooked from his face.

"Smell you!" She snorted.

"Well, I promise to keep myself 'Angel scented' until that bloody time" He said between laughs.

"I doubt that you'll remember that" Her laugh immediately halted when she realized what she just said. Suddenly her face fell.

We already had talk about this thing over and over already. But still I don't know if I could handle the thought of him being away and forgetting.

"Sky" She felt Newt shaking her shoulders. "No need to be melodramatic, Honey. Just push that thought over c'mon" He gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Okay, guess I better get back to work now" She made a weak smile. "Let's go?"

Newt patted her back. And it was intentionly harder than she expected. He let out a small laugh. "Alright let's go"

But then Skylar seeked revenge and did the same with greater force. Then the both of them started laughing.

"Damn, I shucking love you Skylar!"

When she was just about to respond, everything around her turned into complete darkness.

A few seconds later, a dim blue light flashed infront of her.

And she felt the cool air of the atmosphere around her. After a minute, the world around her seems to be clearer.

She was in one of WICKED'S control room. Huge monitors are scattered infront of her. And some papers are pilled up beside her.

Skylar stared at the largest monitor infront of her face. Folders and icons all painted in the desktop.

But something caught her eye. Something that she never thought of asking about.

A folder named "maze trial's monsters" was located on the upper part of the screen.

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