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They sat there blankly as the sound tried to escape the other side of the door.

Someone was crying. And not just an average cry. It was a faint child's cry.

I should be scared. A short memory came across her mind. Minho comes again with his movies.

He told them that they would watch a "edge of your seat" old action movie. That turned out to be a classic horror story.

Seven teenagers force to guard their neighbors house. And whenever the baby cries, the ghost or some evil spirit is near and one of them dies. And at the seventh cry, it turns out that the baby was the killer after all.

So I really should be scared right now. But there was something different about this crying child on the other side of the door. Fear isn't the thing that she felt. Pity was.

"You think that we should check that out?" She asked Newt. Eyes still glued on the door.

"I think so." He replied while standing up. Extending his arms towards her while pulling her up.

The pain shot from her wound as her veins are being pulled. But she ignored it and stood beside him.

"I'm gon'na be totally bloody honest with ya'" He blurted. "This is creepy. Not the creepy, crank palace or crazies hidin' and attackin' kind of creepy. But more like the bloody ghost kind'of creepy"

She smirked. Somehow, she knows that the memory was still intact to him. "It's a lot better to be spotted by some ghosts rather than those crazier crazies." She blurted.

They slowly walked towards the door. Stepping on the pile of boxes and pizza all scattered down on the floor.

The only thing missing here is the sound effect. She mentally chuckled.

Newt stepped infront first. He placed his hand onto the handle. Faced her. I'll root for the odds of seeing a ghost rather than the odds of a crank jumping out.

Skylar nodded as her signal. Newt turned his head back and slowly twisted the handle. Pushing it forward.

The door creaks ad he pushes it further. An incandescent light illuminates the room. A stock room to be specific.

Mops, cleaning equipments, and suits scattered. She followed him behind and closed left the door open behind them.
At the corner of the room, they saw piles of towels and shirts all pilled up and a moving flesh inside.

Her eyes went around to check any hidden weapon or if someone is inside the room. No. It was only her, Newt, and the startled infant.

Skylar's chest tightened when she came into a realization that this baby was locked inside here a stock room. While people that have diseased brain roam around the whole place.

The baby was so cherry. So full. So innocent. So delicate.

She glanced back at Newt who had the same expression as hers.

"Why would someo-"

He was cut of with the sound of the door behind them flying open. White light spilling outside. Showing a small figure holding up a pistol inside her hands.

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