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"Skywalker to squadron, everyone copy?" echoed through the comms.
Five Jedi Light Fliers spiraled through the firefight ridden atmosphere of Kashyyyk. The recent attempted hostile takeover of the wookiee homeworld was of course met with severe push back, and the Jedi had arrived to help make peace, in any way they could.
The sky around them was full of smoke and flaming debris, making it increasingly harder to see as they tried to navigate their way to the planet's surface.
"Oh for the love of-" Obi-Wan cursed as he veered out of the way from several vulture droids.
"Everything alright Master?" Luke asked through comms, as he sped over the top of Ahsoka's ship, blowing past an incoming attack shuttle.
"Don't you know Master Kenobi hates flying, Luke?" Leia pointed out spiraling out of the way of a tie fighter careening towards the ground.
"I don't mind flying, but this is-" he jerked sideways, "suicide!"
"I assumed you'd be used to it by now, Old Man," Anakin teased, flying sideways through a smoldering husk of a fighter, barely nicking the sides of his fighter's wings.
"Will you all please focus? We can call Master Kenobi old later," Ahsoka chided.
Suddenly a capsule of buzz droids crashed directly into the side of Anakin's ship, discharging half a dozen of the buggers onto the wings and cabin. "Well that's not good," He said, spinning in several circles to try and shake them off, with little success.
"Um, Dad? You're kinda trailing smoke," Leia pointed out, sliding out of the way of an incoming volley of blasterfire. Artoo beeped a confirmation from Luke's shuttle, spinning his head in an agitated circle. Usually he flew with Anakin, but Luke had a better track record for not crashing, so the droid rode in with him. He had his father's skill for sure, but unlike Anakin he possessed his mother's patience. Age had mellowed Anakin's recklessness and temper, but definitely not his flying.
"Ah, no biggie princess just a-" the right wing exploded off the side of the fighter and Anakin went spiraling in a nose dive. "-malfunction." Thinking fast he ignited his lightsaber and slashed through the glass top of his ship, ejecting himself from the disintegrating cockpit. He sprang up into the air onto an enemy shuttle, grabbing a hold of the side with his cybernetic hand. "Uh, if any of you aren't busy I could use a pick-up," he yelled, driving his lightsaber into the hull. He dropped inside quickly dispatching the pilot and looking over the ship's stats. Great, this ship has an imploding engine. Thanks a lot, Hera. He flipped on the autopilot and jumped on the guns, using them to shoot down several tie fighters. As the shuttle approached the treetops of Kashyyyk, Anakin slashed through the window back into freefall, calling on the force to launch himself into the nearest tie fighter, slashing off the left wing and hurling himself onto another pod of vulture droids, hacking it to pieces with two precise swings of his lightsaber. From there he spotted Ahsoka's approaching fighter and flung himself flailing to the air onto a higher piece of debris, narrowly missing getting hit by a flying chunk of durasteel.
"You realize you're supposed to be inside a ship, right?" his former padawan poked jokingly. She opened up the cockpit and Anakin climbed inside collapsing into the back seat, "Yeah yeah, this would be a lot easier if these fighters actually had guns on them."
"Tsk Tsk Anakin, we're keepers of the peace, not soldiers."
"Well these guys don't seem very peaceful, Snips." he countered, brushing the ash off his shoulder.
"Leave the blowing up to the militia okay?" she chided, veering out of the way of an allied starship. The Republic no longer had a military, but there was a privateer defense force of civilians who helped to protect endangered worlds. The aerial militia was led by Hera Sydulla, a phenomenal pilot from Ryloth, alongside her trainee, Wedge Antilles. Ground forces included Saw Gerrarra's freedom fighters from Onderon, and several aging clones who still followed the command of former Republic General Rex. The rest of the hodge podge was made up of displaced refugees, Clone Wars veterans, and people just itching for some excitement.
They didn't receive any funding from the Republic, so most of their resources came from wealthy supporters such as Naboo and Alderran.
The Galactic Defense Militia, as they called themselves, was helping the wookies fend off their assailants, and the Jedi Order had sent its best to help bring an end to the fighting. So despite Anakin's fondness for a good firefight, Ahsoka had ordered him in particular to ruffle as little feathers as possible. Despite her training taking place during the Clone Wars two decades ago, she was vehemently anti-war and refused to get involved with Republic politics. Her philosophies and reforms of the order had worked, and over the last nineteen years had done wonders for public opinion of the Jedi. No longer were they seen as warmongers or political puppets, but keepers of the peace who defended the lives of the people.
She'd grown to remind Anakin and Obi-Wan in particular of Qui-Gon Jinn, something they quite liked. She was still as laid back and fun as ever, but stuck to her principles and didn't ever bend the knee to the senate, which thanks to the efforts of Padme, and Bail after her, was actually effective in bettering the galaxy again.
Ahsoka was a very hands-on grandmaster, spending a lot of time out in the field. In recent years some council members had passed or retired, and now her own age group was joining her on the council, such as the still highly restricted Barriss Offee, Caleb Dume, and Cal Kestis. As the senior member of the council, Aayla Secura oversaw most temple affairs while Ahsoka was offworld. Many of the previous council members from the Clone Wars were still around, but were admittedly getting pretty old, such as Yoda who spent the majority of his time sleeping and teaching younglings, and Plo Koon who had begun to oversee the padawan journey to Ilium.
Yoda had expressed to Anakin his pleasure with how Ahsoka ran the Jedi Order, describing it as much like the Jedi Order of the High Republic, and that it was nice to exist in times of peace again as they once were. People actually wanted their kids to become Jedi again, so the recruitment rate was the highest it had been in years.
This included of course Luke and Leia. Luke had been a padawan since he was 14, but Leia began her training at the admittedly late age of 18. Luke's master had been Obi-Wan, whom he'd always shared a close connection with. Ahsoka wanted to encourage strong bonds between masters and apprentices to cultivate a more loving environment for the apprentices to grow, hence why she took on Leia as her padawan.
"Master Tano? The landing area is sort of gone," Luke crackled through comms.
Anakin peered out the window, and sure enough, the landing zone was up in flames.
"That- is not ideal," Obi-Wan said, veering to the right, out of the way of Wedge Antilles's speeding X-Wing.
"Artoo, scan the area and find us somewhere clear to land, buddy," Anakin ordered. Anakin noticed the bottom of the kid's ship was crawling with buzz droids, drilling into the hull.
"If you'll excuse me," He opened the cockpit and jumped out, leaping through the air onto Obi-Wan's Light Fighter, knocking it sideways. "Anakin, what-"
He didn't catch what Obi-Wan said, because he quickly jumped again, Grabbing a hold of the side of Wedge's bottom right wing. The explosions and blasterfire were deafening and the wind nearly blew him off, but he managed to hang on. He used the force to knock off most of the buzz droids, destroying the last couple stubborn ones with his lightsaber.

 He used the force to knock off most of the buzz droids, destroying the last couple stubborn ones with his lightsaber

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Truth be told, he hadn't had this much fun in a while. He let go of Wedge's wing and landed on a transport. He slid down the side, digging his saber into the repulsors and flung himself off, landing squarely back inside Ahsoka's fighter.
"I'm glad you're having fun Master, got any insane ideas?" Ahsoka asked, jerking the controls to the left to avoid another barrage.
Anakin opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by several system errors popping up on Ahsoka's console, meaning someone in their squadron was going down.
"Leia, do you copy?!" she called to her padawan.
Nothing, just the sounds of the firefight. Anakin suddenly felt a sinking feeling in his gut and knew something had just gone seriously wrong. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a yellow and white painted Light Flier nosediving for the treeline, trailing ungodly amounts of smoke.
He tried to reopen the cockpit, but it was jammed, the metal melted to the glass, probably from a stray blaster bolt. Unable to do anything else, Anakin watched in horror as his daughter's ship vanished into the dense forest of Kashyyyk.

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