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Luke sat in the booth at the wrecked diner, his hands folded on the table. His lightsaber was on the bar, right next to the 6 feet 8 inch 300 pounds of scales and violence that was Bossk the bounty hunter. He'd been in the game longer than Luke had even been alive, so getting out of this would be tricky.
Embo was sitting casually at the other end of the bar, along with the 7 hostages the two were using to make Luke behave himself. The massive heap of fur and teeth that answered only to the hunter was lounging by the door, making escape for the hostages difficult at best. Aurra Singh paced outside, blasters ready as she stood watch. This was one hell of a situation he'd gotten himself into, and was beginning to wish he'd just stayed on the ship.
    Chewbacca had managed to escape with Artoo and the Falcon, but Luke had no way of reaching him, so he was on his own. He considered trying to talk his way out, but Leia had always been better at that, and these two didn't seem like the talkative type. Still, he wanted to see how much information he could get out of them.
    "Soooooooo," he started, only for Bossk to respond by firing a shot that hit the wall just a hair away from his face.
    "Shut up," he growled.
Luke just blinked, staring at the giant scorch mark on the wall. So talking was out of the question. He guessed he was still here and not in some cell either because they were waiting for someone, or he was bait for the others, possibly both. He racked his brain trying to think of a plan, when someone pushed the door open and in walked a Mandalorian. For a fraction of a moment, Luke thought it was Boba Fett, but he immediately realized that this was a completely different person. He was taller, more heavily armored, clad nearly head to toe in shining beskar steel.
    "You're late," Bossk hissed, showing off his sharp teeth and long, serpentine tongue. The newcomer casually stepped over the anooba, standing silently in front of the door, tilting his helmet to look at the civilians. A twi-lek woman and her child, three humans of varying ages, a togruta male, and an elderly biff female. He looked back at Bossk, clearly unimpressed, "I thought we agreed no bystanders?" he said in a low, husky voice.
    "They keep the Jedi from trying anything funny," Bossk growled.
The Mandalorian harrumphed, eying Luke up and down, "You're really scared of a skinny teenager shorter than your mother, Bossk?"
    The trandoshan hissed, "He's not to be underestimated."
The stranger leaned over Luke's table and lifted his chin slightly, as a very confused Luke hoped he wasn't blushing furiously.
    "Definitely prettier than your mother," he added, his face impossible to see behind his helmet. Luke swallowed hard and glanced back at Embo. He thought he had a good read on the situation until just now, "Why don't you show him who's boss, looks like he could use a good lesson," the newcomer said, starting towards the bar.
    "We're waiting for Solo and the girl to come after him."
The Mandalorian shrugged, sitting down on a bar stool and stretching his arms out on the counter behind him, "Might be a fun way to pass the time. He's worth just as much beat up, not to mention easier to contain," he pointed out.
    Luke was now beyond confused, what the hell was he getting at?
Bossk cracked his neck and stood up, "Now that you mention it, it has been a while since I've had the opportunity to rough up a Jedi," he hissed in his throaty reptilian voice.
    As Bossk stepped towards him, Luke looked at the bounty hunter, royally pissed at him for talking him into this mess, totally unprompted.
    "I'm gonna break your bones til you can't walk anymore."
Luke smiled nervously and stepped back, eyeing his lightsaber, noticing with alarm that it was gone, "Look, I'm not trying to-" Bossk grabbed him by the neck and flung him over the bar, smashing into a wall. It hurt like hell, but unfortunately for Bossk, Luke was good and angry now. He groaned and rolled over on his stomach, pulling himself on his arms and onto the bar, right beside Mando, "This feels personal," he groaned, his head spinning.

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