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    Leia Amidala walked through the halls of the Senate apartment building until she came up on the residence of her mother and father. She let herself in, pushing through the door into the living room. Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala were relaxing on the couch, Anakin dozed off with his head in his wife's lap as she read through senate reports.
    Anakin opened his eyes, no doubt sensing, or hearing, her arrival. "Mmm what's up princess?" he asked sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
    "I wanted to talk to you both about something important," Leia admitted, fiddling with the sleeve of her robes.
    "Are you nervous about your padawan ceremony tomorrow? You have nothing to worry about, love," Padme assured her.
    "Kinda. I decided I want to postpone becoming a padawan. I want to run for queen of Naboo before I'm too old."
    Anakin sat up, suddenly looking very awake. Padme's eyes widened in surprise and she set down her datapad, "Leia, that's a huge decision. You'd have to move back home, start a campaign. . ." she trailed off.
    Anakin raised an eyebrow, "Can she even do that?" he asked Padme.
His wife nodded hesitantly and looked back at Leia. "She was born on Naboo. Because of me she has dual citizenship, and definitely has the education for it. She meets all the technical requirements."
    Leia sat down in the arm chair across from them and bit her lip. "I've thought a lot about this, and it's not a decision I want to make lightly. But I want to pursue a life of politics, that doesn't mean I'll never be a Jedi."
    Padme still looked unsure, "Leia, you're only fourteen, that's a lot of responsibility for someone so young."
    "You became queen at fourteen," Leia pointed out, slightly irritably.
"That doesn't mean I was ready for it, sweetheart," Padme countered.
    Anakin sat back and looked at Leia curiously, resting his arms on the back of the couch. "I think she can do it," he said.
    Padme glared at him, "Anakin, she's still a child."
"It's her choice though, isn't it?"
    Padme sighed and glanced at her daughter, who was looking at her expectantly. She figured her dad would be the tough one to convince, not her mom.
    "Yes, Anakin, of course it's her choice."
"So we let her try. If she hates it, fine, she can be a Jedi. If she loves it, even better. Besides, she'll have you to guide her."
    Padme sighed and focused her gaze back on her daughter. Leia could feel exactly what her mother was thinking. Of course she believed she could do it, she was just worried about her, per usual. She always was. Padme knew her reasons for saying no were really for her sake, not Leia's.
    "Alright. But I'm needed here in the senate, are you sure you want to live on Naboo by yourself?"
    "She won't have to," Anakin answered, yawning and stretching his arms. "I'd just live with her on Naboo, you'll be around all the time, and when Luke's apprenticed he can visit whenever he wants. We'd figure it out."
    He put up a good front, but Leia could feel he wasn't wild about the idea of their family living apart from each other, but he was trying to be supportive anyway.
    Still, Leia was overjoyed by his support. She jumped on him, hugging him and grinning from ear to ear. "So I can do it Daddy?"
     Anakin shrugged, "That's up to your mom," they both looked at Padme expectantly. The senator sighed and smiled melancholically, putting a hand on the side of her daughter's face. "You are growing up way too fast for my liking. But if it's what you want, we'll try."

The first thing Leia was aware of was the smell. She expected crushed ion engines and burning steel, but instead smelled plants and cotton. That was strange. Wasn't she crashing? The last thing she remembered was her dad's shouting as she crashed into the forest. She tried to sit up, but her vision was blurry and she nearly fell to the floor. As the ground rushed up to meet her, someone caught her by the shoulder, easing her back onto the bed.
    "Not yet. You need to rest more," said a woman with a very rich Ryloth accent. Leia's first muddy thought was Aayla Secura, but wasn't she on Coruscant? Was Leia back on Coruscant?
    Thinking made her head hurt, so she relaxed and let herself drift back to sleep.

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