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Luke stepped out of his Lightflier and looked up at the old Jedi temple slicing through the starry Lothol night sky like a knife, jutting through the grassy plains like a man-made mountain.
    "Okay Morai, what am I looking for?" he asked, looking to the bird perched on his arm. She chirped and took flight, flying around to the back of the temple, not even waiting to see if Luke would follow. He raced after her, nearly getting blown away by the powerful wind that swept through the plains, ruffling the endless swaths of grass. She led him to the back of the temple, stopping in front of a massive painting on the exterior wall. It was illuminated by the moonlight, the gold inlay glowing silver.
    A man in a tall hat stood in the middle, his left hand raised. Beside it stood another man, with chalky white skin and familiar glowing red eyes. Finally on the left was a woman Luke had seen before, very recently.
    "That's you!" he exclaimed, pointing at the woman dressed in white with flowing green hair, "I saw you! Last night in the tunnels when you rescued me!"
    Morai chirped happily, indicating to Luke that he was right. His eyes drifted to the man on the left, who must be the vulture that followed Leia into the catacombs. "I remember learning about this, Obi-Wan told me. That's The Son, the Father, and you, The Daughter. He said The Son killed you by accident, and your last act was to save Ahsoka."
    Morai chirped yes, so Luke kept going. "Then my father killed the son, and The Father died soon after."
    She chirped again, flapping her wings. Luke looked sideways at the painting and realized something was different. The Daughter's hand had moved since the last time he was here. Hesitantly, he reached out to touch it, not expecting anything to happen, and the gold circles within the painting spiraled to life as the Loth Wolf engravings rushed up to meet it, opening a spiraling black void trimmed with white.
Luke stepped back, shocked. Then without warning, Morai dove into the portal, and Luke ran after her.
He half expected to hit a wall, but hit the floor instead. He opened his eyes to the most bewildering thing he'd ever seen. Countless glass paths led to endless portals, and voices echoed through the endless black void. He heard his father, Yoda, Obi-Wan and many others he didn't recognize.
Morai appeared in front of him, only she wasn't a convor anymore. She had transformed into the woman in the painting, nearly 7 feet tall and emitting a soft glow.
Luke scrambled to his feet and looked around, completely gobsmacked.
"Where are we?" he asked, turning in circles to take it all in.
"This is the Vergence Scatter, or as your Jedi call it, The World Between Worlds," The Daughter explained, beginning to walk down the long pathway. Luke looked at the cracks that seemed to run through the void, destabilizing bridges and portals. "Why is it breaking?" he asked, running to catch up with her.
    The Daughter kept looking forward, not meeting his eyes. "It's mending, not breaking, child. Twenty years ago The Chosen One broke through the will of the Force, destabilizing destiny as we know it. Since then, things have been uncertain, the future less clear than it once was."
Luke shook his head in confusion. "I don't understand, how did my father break the will of the Force?"
The Daughter sighed, "Some things shouldn't be known, child. All that's necessary for you to know is that this caused the fabric of the galaxy to shift in a new direction to achieve balance. Hence, you and your sister."
Luke frowned, "I don't understand."
"Your father made a decision that nearly broke reality. Even now, 20 years later, the Force works to right things and maintain the balance."
    Luke swallowed, "How was my father meant to achieve balance originally?"
The daughter shook her head, her jade hair floating around her face, "I do not wish to burden you with such knowledge, Luke Skywalker. But the Force righted this with you, and your sister."
    Luke looked up at a fractured portal and saw a monster of a man clad in black breathing mechanically and cutting though people like an ax to a forest with his red lightsaber.
    "How exactly?" Luke asked.
The daughter turned onto another path, moving upward, "The deaths of my brother and I left a vacuum in the Force, one that had to be filled. So a dyad was born, you and your sister."
    Luke shook his head trying to understand what The Daughter was telling him. "I still don't understand."
    "Kismet," She said.
    "My brother's name, it means fate, same as Morai."
"So you're the same?"
    "Two sides of the same coin, you might say. Just like you and your sister."
Luke's heart fell as he realized what she was telling him. "You mean I can't help her? I can't keep her from going down the path to the dark side? She's destined for it?"
    The Daughter approached a portal where a much younger version of Luke's father, not much older than himself was facing off against a man Luke knew to be Darth Sidious.
    "Your sister's path need not be one of evil. You both have an equally important part to play."
Luke shook his head, "A part to play in what? What's coming?" he asked.
    Daughter pondered for a moment then stepped to the next portal. "There is a great darkness approaching, child, and I cannot stop it. But you can."
    With that, she walked through the portal, and without thinking Luke charged after her. She couldn't leave, he still had so many questions! He crashed into the tall grass of Lothol, right back where he started in front of the painting, with Morai nowhere to be found. He looked up at the mural, obscured by darkness, but even in the meager light something was definitely different. Luke drew his lightsaber and held it up as a torch, inspecting the painting of The Ones. It was mostly the same, only the faces were different now. Instead of the Mortis Gods, there were three new figures. In the place of the father, was the obvious visage of Luke's own father, Anakin Skywalker, with his hand raised, dressed in gray. In place of the Daughter, was Luke, assuming the original pose of the portrait, facing forward, dressed in white and gold.
    To the left of the Father, dressed in black with her dark hair in long braids and her eyes glowing red, was none other than Leia Amidalla.

    To the left of the Father, dressed in black with her dark hair in long braids and her eyes glowing red, was none other than Leia Amidalla

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