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Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Amidala, and Chewbacca all stood outside the Millenium Falcon on a remote fueling station somewhere in the Lido System. It was located on a high platform on a mining planet, with countless levels of trains and tunnels below. The sky was in a constant state of blazing twilight, and dozens of moons in various phases shone in the sky. Han was talking to a Biff male, haggling the prices for some goods.
Leia shifted uncomfortably, feeling exposed in the open like this in such a populated area.
"Han, I don't like this," she hissed to their pilot, nudging his arm. He shrugged and patted her shoulder, gesturing at the diner behind them. "Relax, why don't you two go get us a table? I'm craving an actual hot meal," Han said unbothered before going back to talking up the seller.
Leia didn't like it, but did as she was told, and followed Luke inside where they were quickly seated in a booth by a droid waitress. Leia pulled her hood down over her face, avoiding people's eyes.
"Does something feel off to you?" She asked her brother, eyeing the rest of the diner warily.
Luke frowned, "Yeah, something definitely isn't-" Leia cut him off by quickly putting her hand over his mouth. "Whatever you do, don't turn around," she hissed, keeping her eyes low.
'what?' He mouthed as she dropped her hand.
"Bossk," she whispered, "He's two seats behind you."
Luke gulped, "Are you sure?"
Leia nodded, "Dad and I had a run in with him last year, it's definitely him."
"What do we do?" Luke asked, apprehensively fingering his lightsaber hilt. Han had given it back when he realized Luke was more helpful with it, and that they were more than good for the money.
"I don't-" Leia's eyes drifted out the window as she saw a scratched and scuffed green Mandolorian helmet casually walk by. The helmet of the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.
Boba Fett was here. Leia watched as the bounty hunter ducked behind some crates and readied his rifle, pointing it right at Han.
She should've stopped and thought ahead, but she was her father's daughter, and her first reaction was to fling herself through the window, shattering the glass and causing all hell to break loose.
She tackled Boba Fett to the ground, sending them both rolling into the open of the platform. They broke apart when he threw her off him, and for a moment she made brief eye contact with Han. He looked confused for a second, until he saw Boba Fett and his eyes nearly doubled in size, and she swore she saw his heart fall into his stomach.
Boba lunged for the gun and Leia followed suit, using the Force to fling it away. Fett turned on her, growling in rage. Leia grabbed her lightsaber and sprang to her feet, the hunter following suit.
Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a massive anooba tackling Chewbacca to the ground, as his master, Embo, jumped out, attacking Han.
Boba lunged at her and she instinctively slashed around with her lightsaber, but it glanced harmlessly off his beskar armor.
Boba fett lashed out with his flame thrower, and Leia rolled out the way, narrowly avoiding getting burnt to a crisp. Through the window, she saw Luke get thrown over the bar, skidding over the countertop and disappearing over the edge as the trandoshan bounty hunter approached his prey.
Leia narrowly missed another attack from Fett, as he used his wrist rockets to explode the crates she had ducked behind.
"Out of my way! You're not the one I'm after!" Boba Fett growled, forcing himself forward. Leia countered with her lightsaber, but he seemed trained to combat her abilities, quickly incapacitating her with a wrist cable.
She lost her balance, and her grip on her lightsaber, falling to the ground in a sad attempt to squirm free from her restraints as the feared hunter moved in on Han, retrieving his blaster.
Han didn't notice, he'd managed to wrestle Embo over the edge of the platform, struggling to stand back up. "Han!" She screamed, writhing against the cords, trying to get a grip on her lightsaber. She watched helplessly as Boba Fett made his approach, twisting onto her back trying to get a hand free.
Boba Fett raised his blaster, and Leia frantically looked around for Chewie, but he was nowhere to be found. She could hear screaming and commotion inside the diner as people poured out. Someone ran into the hunter, causing him to miss the first shot he took at Han, but Leia knew he wouldn't miss again.
Finally, she managed to get a hand free, closing her fingers around her lightsaber hilt and without missing a beat she slashed through the cable and thrust her hand forward, grabbing Boba Fett by the neck with the Force. Immediately he dropped his blaster and began gagging and clawing at his throat.
She threw off the cable and tried to get to her feet, when a clear, cold shot rang out through the dim twilight, and pain exploded through her shoulder, and she immediately collapsed.
Her head swam with confusion and she clawed at the ground, struggling to fight back unconsciousness. She heard someone scream her name, but she couldn't figure out who it was. Her dad had told her how to react to getting shot, but for some reason she was drawing a blank. She needed his help, but he was nowhere to be found. She was on her own.
She heard a hoarse, gravelly, inhuman voice through the murky fog she felt stuck in. Something about it felt eerily familiar.
She cried out when someone grabbed her by her injured arm and yanked her upright, with cold, cruel fingers. Her head swam and she felt drunk and disoriented by the pain.
"What's wrong with you?" Came a woman's angry voice, "she's worth more alive!"
"She'll live, Singh. Keep questioning me and you won't," the voice warned, "Where's Bossk and the boy?" The hunter hissed, tightening his grip on her arm. She tried to fight him off, but her efforts were futile.
"They're-" Leia heard a string of commotion, and was suddenly released onto the ground. She thought she heard the Falcon taking off, but she couldn't be sure.
"Leia, move!" she heard her father shout somewhere close by.
"Dad?" she looked around frantically, only to see Luke attempting to pin Cad Bane to the ground. He looked at her for a moment, blood dripping down the side of his face, "Get Han!"
Leia scrambled to her feet, and half sprinted, half stumbled forward, quickly regaining her footing as the adrenaline overpowered the pain. Han was engaged in a shootout with Boba Fett, and she barely managed to dodge a stray blaster bolt when she caught sight of a trandoshan sneaking up behind him while he was occupied.
As Bossk raised his blaster, Leia did the first thing she could think of, and tackled Han Solo over the ledge of the platform and into freefall, barely missing the shot by a hair.
They fell on top of a fast moving transport train, rolling to a stop. Leia nearly tumbled over the edge before Han caught her by the wrist and pulled her back up on the train.
"What the hell was that?!" he shouted over the wind.
"You were about to get knocked out by his teammate, jackass!" she shouted back, dropping onto her stomach moments before she would've gotten decapitated by a bridge.
"I had everything under control!" he protested, his dark hair whipping in the wind.
"That's what you call under control!?" She yelled, pulling herself onto her hands and knees, "What happened to, 'don't worry about it sweetheart'?"
"I don't see how-"
"Fett isn't here for us, he's here for you!" she snapped, "Why does one of the highest profile bounty hunters in the galaxy want YOU more than he wants us!?"
"Look, I owe a lot of money to some very powerful people!" he explained, gripping his blaster.
"And you didn't think that was important for us to know?!" she screeched.
"Do NOT lecture me on refusing to enlighten people, your highness!"
"You-" she was cut off by a loud bang behind them. She turned to see Embo and his anooba approaching, his bowcaster raised. The duo quickly got to their feet, but to the other side, descended Bossk, landing so hard from the platform he dented the roof of the train. Leia ignited her lightsaber and looked side to side trying to formulate a plan as the bounty hunters advanced.
"Do you trust me?!" she asked Han, grabbing him by the collar.
"No!" he shouted.
She grinned, "Then I guess we're even," she shoved him over the edge and jumped after him, the two of them falling through the air. Han was screaming loudly, and Leia would be lying if she said she didn't find it amusing. She eventually broke their fall atop another train, Han still screaming, as she allowed him to faceplant on the metal.
She, on the other hand, landed gracefully, looking around and trying to get her bearings. The barren moon had clearly been strip mined for years, likely for construction materials offworld. The trains weren't for passengers, but for transport. Likely mining droids and sentient miners, but mostly cargo.
Han got to his feet struggling to balance as they sped further into the mining caves, so cavernous you could fly the Falcon through them.
"Next time, just tell me to jump," he groaned.
She smiled, a genuine smile, "Now where's the fun in that?"
A moment seemed to pass between them, and Leia felt her animosity towards him soften a bit, but just as soon as it happened it was gone. Han broke eye contact and looked past her, "I forgot they can fly."
Leia whipped around to see Cad Bane descend onto the train, drawing his blasters, and she sensed Boba Fett on the other end. There was nowhere left to run.

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