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    "Love, can you grab that jewelry box for me? I can't reach it."
Anakin strolled over from the window to the closet, standing on his tiptoes to grab it. He plopped it into Padme's arms and kissed her forehead before walking back over to the bed to make it.
    "What's going on?" he asked, fixing the sheets.
Senator Amidala walked over to the mirror and fixed her hair, "It's Leia, I'm worried she's bitten off more than she can chew with learning to pursue a career as a senator and a Jedi."
    "Yeah, I noticed that too," Anakin agreed. "Do you want me to talk to her about it?"
    Padme sighed and shook her head, "No, I tried and she just got upset. Just keep an eye on her, okay?" she answered, strolling over to the bed and putting in one of her earrings.
    She indicated to her husband to zip up her dress, which he did wordlessly. "I always do," he kissed her cheek. "And you always worry too much."

    Padme scrunched her nose at him

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    Padme scrunched her nose at him. "Yeah yeah, so you've said. How'd last week's mission to Stolas go?"
    He fixed the pillows and smoothed out the comforter, "Good, Obi-Wan thinks Luke is ready to start his knighting trials, which makes me feel really old," he confessed.
    Padme laughed and ruffled his hair. "You are getting a little gray, Ani."
"Don't even, you started getting gray hair in your thirties," he teased.
    "Ah, what am I going to do with you," she asked, sticking in her other earring.
"Well you're kinda stuck with me now," he answered.
    "Poor me. I'll see you at lunch, love." She gave him a quick kiss and hurried out the door, leaving him alone with the droid.

    It was a nice, cool morning, so the courtyard was pretty crowded, with many younglings and padawans watching, captivated, as older Jedi sparred and gave demonstrations. The dawn sun shone gold off the stone, and a bit of fog still clung to the ground, dew glistening off the carefully trimmed grass and shrubbery.
    A Jedi Council member, a master pretty close to Ahsoka's age was standing, leaned against the archway overlooking the tiny younglings who were talking to Master Yoda. Anakin stopped next to Cal Kestis and crossed his arms, listening in on what Yoda was saying.
    Cal yawned and stretched his arms, " 'Morning Master Skywalker."
" 'Morning," Anakin cracked his back, "What's with all this?"
    "Oh, Ahsoka thought we needed a 'Jedi bonding day.' I've got a demonstration with Talon on double bladed lightsabers in a few minutes."
    "She seems to be getting along," Anakin pointed out, trying to hide his distrust for the ex-sith lord.
    "Yeah, we haven't had any problems yet, and she's a pretty brilliant duelist," Cal relayed casually.
    "Yeah, I've been on the receiving end of that one. You seen Leia?"
Cal shrugged, "Last I heard she was sleeping," he paused like he was contemplating something, "Master Fisto caught her sneaking out last night when he got back from Mon Chola. He said she was being pretty dodgy."
    "Huh, she's never had a thing about sneaking out before," Anakin responded, puzzled.
    Master Kestis shrugged, "He told Ahsoka, she said she'll talk to her padawan about it," He started off to one of the training clearings where a group of padawans were beginning to crowd around a scarlet twi-lek who stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd.
    "Uh huh, thanks Cal. Have fun with all-" he gestured at Talon, "that."
He made his way towards Ahsoka, who was conversing with Barriss and Aayla Secura on the dais, with her back turned to him.
    When she turned to look at him, she was all smiles. "Master! Here to teach the younglings?" she teased.
    "Bad idea Snips. What has you in such a good mood?" he asked his old apprentice.
    "Leia is doing phenomenal! I haven't seen anyone blow through their padawan learning so fast, it's incredible!"
    Anakin smiled and looked around the courtyard, electing not to bring up what Cal had told him. "That's great, I'm glad she's not struggling anymore."
    Ahsoka looked at him sideways, "Something wrong?"
Anakin rubbed the side of his head and tried really hard not to look at Talon. To say he didn't trust her would be the understatement of the millennium. But Padme said she deserves a chance and all that dumb stuff.
    "Yeah, something just feels off. I can't pin it, but my gut is rarely wrong," he confessed, watching Aayla and Barriss walk away.
    Ahsoka frowned and folded her arms, her beskar greaves making a light clinking sound as they rubbed together. "I'll keep an ear to the ground. But let's not make mountains out of womp rat hills, shall we? C'mon, I need some caf if I'm gonna get through this morning."
    He followed her back inside the Jedi Temple, but couldn't ignore the nagging feeling in his gut and the burning sensation that he was being watched. He stopped and turned to look at the training area to see Talon staring straight at him, and for a moment he could swear her dark eyes flashed yellow.

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